Jay Michaelis profile picture

Jay Michaelis


About Me

Here are my musical endeavors. Some old/some new:www.myspace.com/solidstatelogicwww.sslmusic.comwww.bornn aked.netor just look below in my top eight!Bio info: www.thumpercustomdrums.com Endorsements--Pro-mark, Thumper, DW, Aquarian, Paiste, Coffin Case..

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My Interests


Speed Polka only!


Cuckoo's Nest, Papillon, Cool Hand Luke, Easy Rider, Bonnie and Clyde, The Dirty Dozen, Failsafe, 2001 A space Oddessy, Zardoz, The Deer Hunter, Conan, Four Rooms, By Hook or By Crook, A Long Kiss, Gummo, Kids, Suburbia, Never Get Out of the Boat, Vertigo, Taxi Driver, Narc, Steal This Movie, Midnight Cowboy,Midnight Express, Gabrielle, Drugstore Cowboy, Rivers Edge, Sid and Nancy, Three Days of the Condor, Red, Blue, Force Ten from Naverrone, Guns Of Naveronne, Kelly's Heros, Raiders of the Lost Ark@ Temple of Doom, Breakfast Club, Fast Times At Ridgmont High, Half Baked,Napolean Dynomite, Weird Science, Friday, Tenacious D,Barfly,Wonderland, Requiem for a Dream, Dogtown and Z-Boyz, Lords of Dogtown, Nor Cal Project, Endless Summer, House of 1000 Corpses, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Mad Max, Road Warrior, The Warriors, Rollerball ..1, Battle of the Bulge, Patton, The Big Red ONe, Gallipoli, Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Little Big Man, A Man Called Horse, Monty Python (all of them), French Connection, Bullet, Shawshank Redemption, Animal Factory, Untouchables,Sideways, Crumb, Swingers, Anchorman, Old School, Kill Bill I@II, High Fidelity Evil Dead I @II. The Shining, Shine, Searching for Bobby Fisher,Saving Private Ryan, A Bridge Too Far, Empire of the Sun, Coondun, Baraka, Salaam Bombay, Chutney Popcorn, Fire, Kamma Sutra, Fightclub, Fist of Fury, Enter the Dragon, Gangster, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Sexy Beast, Buffalo 66, The Transporter, A Clock Work Orange. Trainspotting, Repo Man, American History X,The Grey Zone, The Wall, Heavy Metal, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, Closer, Sin City, Angel Heart, The Salton Sea, Wallace and Grommet, Harvie Krumpet, Resevior Dogs, Fargo, Garden State, Batman Returns, Office Space, Clerks I and II, Pulp Fiction, Chasing Amy, School of Rock, Spinal Tap, Bong Water, Taking Off, and Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. The search for Animal Chin, Wheels of Fire, Coming down the Mountain.and.....Up in Smoke! and yes, Harold and Maude Goddammit!


Basketball Diaries, The Shining, The Prophet, High Fidelity, any Poe or H.P. Lovecraft or Bukowski, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost (Milton) Sonny"s Blues (Baldwin), A Clean Well-Lighted Place(Hemingway), Things Fall Apart, Survival at Auschwits (Primo Levee), Empire Falls, Bartleby the Scrivner (Mellville), The Storm, Story of an Hour,(Chopin), Self-Relience(Emerson), Waldon Pond, Stupid White Men, The Lottery, Chrysanthemums (Steinbeck), A Good Man is Hard to Find (O'Conner)-The Misfit!, Miss Clairol, To Build A Fire, White Fang, Call of the Wild, (Jack London), High Fidelity, The Rocking Horse Winner, (D.H.Lawence). Shiloh, Greasy Lake


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