X8 Drums sponsored the drum circle at this year's the ZHANG SAN FENG FESTIVAL & DAO OF HEALTH EXPO in the Catskill Mountains of New York.
X8 Drums Holiday Specials
Stallion Djembe Holiday Gift Package
Sale Price: $159.00
 12" Deep Carve African Djembe, Antique Chocolate, w/ DVD
Sale Price: $199.00
Our logo tells all... The "X" (as in the way the brain is wired) and "8" (Infinity symbol) are deeply compelling and significant symbols that summarize the Cosmic Nature and Purpose of Drums and how they can harmonize and elevate the human nervous system.
Many thanks to Baba Issa for the interpretation.
Completely awesome custom djembe!
Our friends at Giving World Percussion have impressed us again... check out the customization to this Matahari Pro Djembe Drum !
The credit for this particular job goes to Alan Bucciero. Alan is a mechanical engineer full time and serious drum enthusiast with the Giving World Percussion crew.