I thought this would be fun to add ... ENJOYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
And if you don't like it...
Hehehe, you may have been nutted by a squirrel!
Gypsy missions (without warning I may go on these 'personal field trips' and the durations can range from a few hours to more than a week!), bonfire dancing, sharing stories, spending time with good people, pillow fights, dog-piling on family n friends. Baking cakes/cookies during winter and inner-tube wrestling in the pool during summer. Sculpting ice or sand castles (then role-playing as Godzilla afterwards so the foot stomping adds to the effect). I especially enjoy putting lit candles inside the ice sculptures and watch part of it melt. My sister got me interested in Halloween Haunting ever since we were yeay-big aka kiddies (started from the garage, which eventually moved onto the yards then to community centers). During my impish moments I purely delight in making people uneasy, scared, or at best, FREAK OUT! muahahahahhaaaaaa
Life has blessed me with wonderful people who by chance or fate crossed my path with interesting results...be it positive or negative, those people shaped me with their thoughts, inspirations, art, music, deviancies, confessions, and sometimes, their fallacies. When it comes to friendships, there is a saying that still rings true to this day: "The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart."
This is one of the main reasons why MySpace can be such a blessing. We are a global community and it's much easier to check online than trying to play phone tag. In the end, it doesn't matter how many breaths you take in a lifetime, but how many moments took your breath away. It's a bonus when you can share that moment with a friend.
There are quite a few people I'd like to mention specifically, BUT some of you I see in person...others I send dirty/psychotic text messages...and others aren't aware of me stalking them. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!?!?!! You know who you are. Stay awesome.
Argh! To list is to define who I am. I refuse to be pigeon-holed. So I say this, "My tastes are ecclectic" Besides, some messages are universal when it comes to music.
Anything that makes you squirm or squeal (nooooooo not porn ya freak!?!?! Go redeem your gutter miles elsewhere....pointing to the lil red-lit room...or is it blood-soaked room?) Stuff that makes you go Hrmmm?? not Huh? Blood, gore, violence, some poetic justice or none at all, cuz a horrific ending is just as sweet, anything anime (supernatural related ones usually rocks my world)
the mummy : tomb of the dragon emperor - trailer
Grew up with the boob tube...what can I say? Cable has more variety of the same thing (consumerism, gotta love it). It's funny how you can tell a generation by what they watched as kids. As for me...Lil Rascals, 3 Stooges, anything Danny Kaye, Bob Hope/Bing Crosby, Abbott/Costello, The Munsters, Addams Family, spaghetti westerns, classic kung fu theatre, Wild Animal Kingdom. Then I moved on to cartoons/anime (too many to list). Graduated to MTV and soon cable opened a new world (such is variety...History Channel, TLC, Cartoon Network/Adult Swim, Sci-Fi channel, Comedy Channel just to name a few). As for mini-series, a few have caught my eye like Supernatural, The Unit, Sarah Connor Chronicles. Can't name the others offhand.
Anarchist's Cookbook (now hearing red flags by Big Brother sounding off in the distance....AHHH such sweet music it is to me MUAHAHHAAA) Dictionary and a thesaurus are always helpful. .. Does anime in hardbacks count as books? Hehe. Actually my tastes vary according to my moods and if I can squeeze in a few hours of 'me time', my upcoming reading list is The Art of War and Psychology of Social Engineering. On a side note, I shall write again, include some art and maybe get it published. One of those TO-DO things in life (title yet to be determined). Based on recent events happening in my life, I just may take a hiatus to pursue this.
Both my parents for being alive and still together. Few teachers have influenced my life inspirational.