The Haunted Attraction Industry joins the fight against breast cancer
Some of the most prominent names that make “scary†their business are pulling every skeleton out of the ground to raise money for fellow Haunters/Haunt Owners Nancy Allen and Kathryn Dessault.The Official Drive, “Haunters for Hootersâ€, will take place at Midwest Haunters Convention in Columbus, Ohio June 13-15th. Included in the sponsor list are BIG names like Midnight Syndicate Films and Soundtracks, The International Association of Haunted Attractions, Haunted Attraction Magazine, Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando, Sinister Visions inc., The Ghoulish Gallery, Dee Snider from Twisted Sister/Van Helsing's Curse, Pat Priest from “The Munsters†and Camden Toy from “Angel" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayerâ€, just to name a few.Haunters for Hooters is a non-profit fundraiser with 100% of profits going to brave breast cancer fighters Nancy Allen and Kathryn DeSautellHAUNTERS FOR HOOTER EVENTS AT MIDWEST HAUNTERS CONVENTION INCLUDE:
FRIDAY, JUNE 13th 2008
Friday Night Party Fundraiser with walk through inflatable Haunted House sponsored by Bad Boys Scenic Design and Midnight Syndicate.
HAUNTERS FOR HOOTERS BOOTH. Selling T-shirts and Haunters for Hooters memorabilia AND Appearance by the “Hooters Girlsâ€.
Raffle tickets will be sold to yet to be announced Movie Items. 100% of Raffle tickets profits will go to Kathryn DeSautell of Lafitte’s Landing. Kathyrn, a Haunt owner from Texas, will receive 100% of the profits.
SUNDAY, JUNE 15th, 2008
Auction will take place from 10am-12pm.
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