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Welcome To The World of TeenSpirits

One of Michigans Largest Outdoor Horror Attractions is Dying to Meet You!!!

About Me

TeenSpirits originally started out doing BackYard Haunts. Although soon we became so large and had so many scareactors that we became the neighborhood FREAKS!!! Yes the neighbors started to complain....lol So we had to move on to a larger venue and started doing shows and things for local organizations. Here a some pics from our yard haunts and shows.

MySpace Profile Editor

In 2005 Halloween Productions and TeenSpirits joined forces....to bring you one of Michigans Largest Outdoor Haunted Attractions. Not one but two Haunted Houses combined to bring you a 20 to 30 minute walk through of TERROR!!! Located in Fraser, Mi. and in 2006 at the Mt. Clemens Ice Arena in Mt.Clemens, Mi. Over 30 live Scareactors a night to give you NightMares to take home....If you SURVIVED! MUHAhaha

2005 and 2006 Haunted House Pics

Now for those of you that have visited and or worked at The Haunted Funeral Home and the Fright Zone, especially in 2006 need to know that Halloween Productions and TeenSpirits are no longer in partnership. However, Halloween Productions will be keeping the name. So...if you visit again in 2007 at the Mt.Clemens Ice Arena in Mt.Clemens Mi. All rights reserved, TeenSpirits will no longer be doing the show. All actors, costumes, photos, displays and props are the property of TeenSpirits and will remain as such. We will be doing a Haunt in 2007 and will let you know the new name and location just as soon as we find out. Thankyou, for being a part of our past and we do hope you will join us in the future. TeenSpirits earned a 4 and 1/2 star rating in 2006 and the only thing that Halloween Productions contributed to that factor was a BOX! So just BEWARE that Halloween Productions is only out to take your money and if you pay to enter an empty box oh well....no refunds. This is a big part of why I am Happy that we will no longer be affiliated with them.

Click on the Banner to Visit TeenSpirits Official Website!!!

My Interests

The Haunted Funeral Home is just the beginning of the Journey through horror that you will experience when you visit the Haunted Funeral Home and The Fright Zone.

Only you can choose your destiny once you enter!

If perhaps you do not find a coffin that suits your needs. We will arrange that other accomodations will be made for you.....Muhahah....

I'd like to meet:

Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com

Please be sure and join our friends list cuz who needs enemies? Specialy Dead Ones.....Muhahahha.




The FrightZone featuring all of your favorite Horror Characters always ready and willing to scare,I mean share in making you feel rite at home.


These are the dedicated scareactors celebrating another succesful year of scaring the daylight outta folks!