About Me
I'm barely online.I've played in several bands over the years and have been involved in a few musical projects as well.
These include:Palette, the experimental project which is also here on myspace, just click go to Palette Here
Was the drummer for Daimonion(R.I.P.) for a few years, now known as Verdict of Vengence, click go to Daimonion Here or Verdict of VengenceI was also once the drummer for a now Austin Texas based band called Anahadonia which you can find on myspace also by clicking
go to Anahadonia Here
Last but not least,I was the drummer for NeverDead(R.I.P.).
Just click go to NeverDead HereOther past involvements include: The year of The Robot, Machine Gun Love/System Machine, Big Daddy and His Bag of White Trash and several other various musical set ins. What can I say, I'm universal.What I do know is my dreams will not come true if I give up on them & often we attribute to the words of a speaker meanings that go beyond the significance given to them by the speaker himself. Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion . . . . I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity. Quite often we consider altruism what could very well be the effect of perfect egotism. There are various ways of lying, but most people dont know but the most superficial of them: telling their own subjective truth. Only by wrongly choosing wrong can Man still choose right. Sin is nothing but the psycho-physical discomfort of acting against our own habit: namely custom. Hence the guilt, unassuaged appetition in the satisfaction of an habitual scheme. In Man, madness is the rule, rationality the exception. Not the individual but individuality is the only evolutionary tool of life.
Altruism and egotism are not opposites, as they differ only in the object of their love: oneself in others or oneself in oneself. The subjective laws of thinking are objective: to the extent to which the individual elevates himself to individuality. Nowadays it seems as if good does not indicate he who is capable but rather he who is harmless. Art creates form and informs Man for whom it is created. Truth is, when art becomes art per se, it is because Man from whom it derives and for whom it is the purpose is missing.
A spirit without style is a style without spirit. Was there ever a man, famous in his field, who was not passionate about it? Like hunger and thirst so is nostalgia: the appetition of memory for a part of us that is no longer. Human beings live in reality, without really knowing exactly what it is. To explain the world by redoubling it is to redouble the difficulties; to exchange the rising tension of life, the idea of future being, in order not to be "in the beyond".
Sometime things are so "obvious" to be obviously overlooked with wrong conclusions and no answer given.
Since the times of late Romantic Christian trinkets onwards (unlike the Graeco-Roman times and the Renaissance when physical beauty was an integral part and aim of true cultural meta-physics), for us culture has become synonymous of an infinite and pedantic bore, dead and detached from real life collecting dust in the archives, better represented by the consumptive Christian saint: the Philistine of all time. A bourgeois clich typical of Aristotelian ethics, where only non-vulgarity should serve as an aesthetic measure.
Just remember the world we live in is 4 dimentional. Most do not even see past 2.