Ellasa is a one-woman project by-Ellasa. There currently exist only two songs- 'The Simple Truth' and 'Blinding Solitude'. There are three songs in the making, but plans for a full-length album aren't anywhere near close.
As this is less than a demo, sound quality can hardly be called quality - but, for some open-minded listeners, this may sound ok even :)
The inspiration is all which is natural - both nature itself and all the passion, grief and other emotions which shape a 'higher human self'****ABOUT THE SONG 'Blinding Solitude':
This is a very personal song, but, naturally, lacks in all those things which should be there if I had a recording studio, the proper instruments, the time...
I made it as I felt the need to... it will probably be redone eventually - with 'better production'...
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