Avid student of Satanic / Fascistic theologies. Musician. I enjoy all that modern technology has to offer, ie. my computer (garageband!,Logic 7!), my Xbox, Hi-def television, etc.. I love guitars, amps, and buying new gear--I've got that sickness bad!!!!! I enjoy mountain-biking and the occasional workout to offset my compulsory cigarette smoking, which I love and will hate to give up eventually. I am obsessed with WWII history, especially the SS, and will entertain any offers of trade and monetary compensation for related items, especially books. I enjoy chemical mind amusement responsibly and have aquired an affinity for Effen Black Cherry Vodka. I hate people and their simpering, mollycoddled children.
Adolf Schickelgruber & Heinie the Chicken Farmer.
I enjoy vast amounts of music in many various genres, too many to name all individually, however, I grew up on early heavy metal, ie. Sabbath, Priest, Kiss, early Van Halen, etc... Went on to an obsession in NWOBHM which I still love today---bands like Angel Witch, Witchfinder General, Aragorn, Tank, Venom, Raven, etc... Which of course led me to early thrash like Exodus, Slayer, Kreator, etc..., even early Metallica, tho I can't stand 'em today. Spent the early nineties listening to a lot of "industrial" type stuff which led to my association with Mr. Thorn and the EHC. No regrets there. Lately I've enjoyed the resurgence of power-metal and guitar solos! Bands like Vhaldemar, Firewind, Pain Museum, and Icarus Witch are breathing new life into metal music, thank Satan! Rob Halford is the true metal god and I worship anything he records, even "Two". Guitar heroes include Uli Jon Roth, Yngwie, Jonas Hansson, and little Stevie Vai. Favorite all-time band (if I had to pick one): Silver Mountain. If you don't know who they are, you're missing out big-time. I love classical music, especially Paganini, Wagner, J.S. Bach, and of course a little of the 'ol Ludwig Van now and then. I also enjoy weird oldie music, ie, Shocking Blue, Nancy Sinatra. I also love quality black metal and Ween. This is just an overview; my music collection is vast and varied.My previous musical projects & bands: Wolfen Society, Arc of Descent, Charlie Porn, Rabid Captor, Crack Whore, Tire Buddys, Leviathan, Purgatory, Scuttlebutt, Impaler
"Triumph of the Will", "A Clockwork Orange", "Scarface", "Donnie Darko", "Duel", "War of the Worlds" ('53"), "Magnolia", "The Godfather" (1 & 2), "Good Fellas", "Casino" ( almost anything in the gangster genre, especially "King of New York"), "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer", "Re-Animator", "Schindler's List", "The Grey Zone", "Escape from Sobibor", "The Passion of the Christ", "Red Dragon", "Silence of the Lambs", "Boogie Nights", "Gimme Shelter", "Near Dark", "Blade Runner", most "Star Wars" (except that fucking Jar-Jar creep), "Natural Born Killers" (actually most Oliver Stone stuff), Kill Bill I & II (actually most Tarantino), "Ravenous", "Nosferatu", "Angel Heart", "Texas Chainsaw Massacre II",all Monty Python movies, and many, many, many more---I could go on all fucking day....
Coming soon; compiling a gargantuan list. I am an avid reader--one of life's simple gifts. Anyone who doesn't read should be killed; how could they possibly be a benefit to society or themselves... When someone says "I don't read" I just wanna jack 'em as hard as I can in the face...