Ronni Brant profile picture

Ronni Brant

OTK ftw =)

About Me

Okay, I won't bore you by prattling on about how I'm the best guitarist since [insert your favorite virtuoso here], listing a buttload of famous has-beens I gigged with and/or whining about how hard it is to be a struggling musician in the digital age. None of that stuff would make my tunes sound any better to your ears, ya' know?
I mean, when ya' think about it, the music is all that really matters, yes?
Everything else is just fluff.
That said, I'll let my guitar do the rest of the talkin'. Enjoy...
Credits and details:
My dear friend Suzy tricked out my page for me and even helps me maintain it. She also made some cool banners for the future official site. She's the coolest.
I'll be putting the site together myself...and annoying every html savy pal I have with stupid questions. lol Abuse your friendships wisely... =P
The very first bunch of the wonderful people on my top-friends list are bonafide, real-life in, if I have too much to drink, I'm passin' out on their sofa kinda' friends. Well, except in Ian's case...I pass out on his bathroom floor. BOOYAH!! A bottle of vodka down. LMAO
Now PLEASE notice the last four guys down at the bottom; Muris Varajic, Scott Sanford, John Inman & Massimo Izzizzari. I stumbled over the profiles of these guys and they're awesome. If you like my tunes (read: guitar oriented music), I highly recommend you visit their pages. You won't be disappointed. =) ..

My Interests


Member Since: 10/7/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: This page is for my self-indulgent solo cd project. I'll be working with many of the friends I've made throughout my career...the best rockers of the New Orleans area. Some of the talent I'll be working with include:

Eric Knight

Danny Shields

Tommy Dantin
Rick Friedman

keyboardist: Michael Korber

I'm planning on some killer guest guitarist spots too...but nothing's written in stone yet except for the participation of my friend, cohort and brother in shred; the ridiculously talented Ian Williams .
Influences: Geez...this could be a huge list...
Jason Becker, Vinnie Moore, Ron Thal, Tony McAlpine, Eddie Van Halen, tons of 80's shredders/hair bands (Racer-X, Vicious Rumors, Ratt, Dokken, Dio, Scorpions, etc...) and 70's groove bands like Foghat, Edgar Winter Group, Aerosmith, etc...
Sounds Like: The sum of my influences filtered through my personality.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Have you seen this? Whats up my fellow metal heads ... I am reposting this bulletin for dear friends of mine who have a metal band in Iran ... The story behind this band has moved me . Iran is a plac...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:41:00 PST

Happy New Year - A Toast

I am very fortunate to have far more than my fair share of friends - real friends...the people you can call when you need help moving or someone to care for your dog while you're on the road kinda' fr...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST

The Christmas Herd

Nothing makes us max out our credit cards like Christmas.  Ever wonder why?  I think it has something to do with commercials prompting us to shop with our wallets instead of our hearts. &nbs...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:13:00 PST


Craig (of "Voodoo Kitchen") recently wrote a pretty profound article concerning originality. Respectfully, this is my rebuttal. No... I will NOT remove "original" from my vocabulary.  Here's why:...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 05:33:00 PST

So you wanna' be a rock star, eh? Pt 2

Okay, you've made the commitment. This is just what you HAVE to do.  Now for the real advice... 1. Watch your ass. For every person that says they love your playing and respect you, there are 40 ...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:14:00 PST

So you wanna' be a rock star, eh?

This is my standard speech to young people (mostly students) who want advice on pursuing a career in music:If you want to be a professional musician, DON'T DO IT! 1.  The pay can be absolutely p...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 02:22:00 PST

Ronni: The man behind the guitar

This "band" account exists exclusively for the purpose of shamelessly self-promoting my music.  The blogs on this account (with the exception of this one) will be focused entirely on that facet o...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:50:00 PST

Satriani cover info

I asked a buttload of my net pals to name a Joe Satriani tune. "Always With Me, Always With You" won.  So, for our mutual amusement, I recorded a cover of it. I've always loved that piece anyway...
Posted by Ronni Brant on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 07:47:00 PST