Naserine Machine profile picture

Naserine Machine

what is true

About Me

Naserine Machine
"Our music is eclectic ... there are some elements of rock with electronic and industrial and even maybe a little ambient flavors – all mixed into one," says Maxx Davis of Naserine Machine. The music's diverse palette of influences has a great deal to do with Naserine Machine's artistic success and the positive fan reactions that bloom every time the music is played. The Machine is devoted to originality and top notch entertainment.
Waking the Dead
Music, says Davis, is so powerful, it even contains – if you could tap into it – the power of resurrection. "Music awakens the dead." It can also summon lost loves, he declares. It's that powerful. "If you loved someone and they left you and you play their favorite song or a melody they loved – it will return them to you." Music is the epitome of the irresistible force. Especially in the hands of Naserine Machine.
People just want to be in touch with other people. And while talking works wonderfully, it cannot touch the deep place from which music speaks. "Music is the oldest form of communication; I wish to become part of that great chain, giving back what I have received," he says. And his goal is met. He stands in a strong musical heritage and offers his insightful music to the public.
The Inner World
There's a whole universe of musical inspiration to be found inside one's own mind, if one simply has the perception and the willingness to look. Such a person is Davis, who daily plumbs the depth of his own psyche in search of inspiration. "Things that inspire me are emotional items such as anger, sadness ... the usual. But there's also the inner world inside my head." Politics and social issues also find their way into Naserine Machine's creative process. "There's the news, the war, innocent deaths and the ways people treat each other." In addition, Davis draws influence from one Rocco di Pietro, a teacher who taught him to paint pictures with sounds, he says. The Machine's music is, obviously, robust, rich and thoughtful.
The Artist at Work
Naserine Machine is at work putting together play dates to share its originality with the world. New music is being written all the time and recording is scheduled. Naserine Machine is shooting for a fall release so fans can take the Machine's goodness home with them.
"This is the kind of music that speaks to the mind and soul in a way that few bands can." - A&R SelectPurchase Naserine Machine tracks at :
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/3/2006
Band Website: coming soon
Band Members: me, various people, come and visit us.
Influences: here and now,.
Sounds Like: Inner visions with external influences.One part normal one part abnormal
Type of Label: None

My Blog

the drive home

You get in your car and you drive home . The music is turned up loud you are trying not to think . Trying to drown out your thoughts the scenes in your head become mute screens lessening their tormen...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Tue, 22 May 2007 11:15:00 PST

Square vs. Circles a look at insane

Crazy people every where I go. First let me say if I did not feel neurotic I would not feel normal. I may be perceived as some as an outsider which I may wrap myself in its label. For that I have tha...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:59:00 PST

silly little poem

Regressed inside me repressed beside me calamity seems to become me there is a riot on t.v. there is a riot inside me there is a fire in my mind do not look or you'll go blind the actions I admit ma...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Mon, 21 May 2007 12:21:00 PST

Truth , Love and the Lying Sky

I was outside the other night trying to just clear my mind . The night sky was clear itself so I broke out one of the telescopes and took some good views of the sky. Venus was out , so was some other...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Sat, 19 May 2007 08:42:00 PST

buying acid with blood in the 90's

Buying acid on campus was an easy ordeal. We'd go to the coffee bar Insomnia and just camp out. Waiting for the right freaked out fellow man to walk in. There was Adam with his huge hulking frame and...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:24:00 PST

The westside

The Westside , what is wrong with these people .Why does everyone have to feel like they got to get theirs before you get anywhere? These are the rudest people ever lumped together. All these people ...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:22:00 PST

naserine machine is alive now

Someone actually took the time and energy to invest in me something that has happened before bit I have always ignored. There are really good reasons to do what I am doing but I never believed in the...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:37:00 PST

the f###ball machine

got a quarter so i can get another fuckball from the fuckball machine? so you get something going and then life or whatever maybe just by chance gives you a fuckball and smashes it apart for you right...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 08:46:00 PST


Tonight was a weird cold bitch we sailed passed an empty dumpster. The whore usually held treasure for my former shipmate .That was when we sailed on the Motel Room. It nay matters we in Bustown wate...
Posted by Naserine Machine on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:22:00 PST