The World According to Mugsy
Bringing a little clarity to the world we live in...
Is it just me or do people in Southwest Florida just NOT know how to drive?!? There are so many accidents and so many deaths and so many assholes on the streets in SWFL that I think this MUST be the worst place to live in America when it comes to drivers. I do not condone road rage, but someone needs to pull over these arrogant, sons-a-bitches and rip their heads clean of their bodies so I can stick my foot down inside their chests and stomp on their hearts so they too can feel the agony and pain I feel everytime one of these self-righteous arrogant pricks pulls out in front of me on Colonial Blvd or US 41! I wish I had James Bonds car, the one with the sub-machine guns in the grill, becuase I would blow everyone of them m-fer's off the road - and crotch-rockets? Don't even get me started...
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