Homotherium profile picture


my teenage hopes are alive at your front door.

About Me

homotherium (hoe-moe-theer-ee-um) is an extinct sabertoothed cat, by the way. i wear a lot of black clothes (i consider myself post-goth, but there is still that GOTH residue all over me) and work with a bunch of laboratory people. i read a lot of paleontology reports with a glass (or 4) of wine. i'm very patient and don't say much until you know how much of a geek i truly am. i value trivia, smart people, the woods, that canadian skinhead, horror, knowing looks, that final straw of boredom, women who know all, men who know me too well, cats who know the truth, the stranger who smiles at me on the train, foul language in jest, rain like hell, and flirting because its just necessary.
------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
"1234" by Feist - some CANADA pop!
New Order LIVE - "Age of Consent"
PS - please be over the age of 18 to ask me for an ADD.

My Interests

hairy arms, extinct mammals, museums, rain, tennis, canadian history, being mistaken for a canadian, all kinds of music, foul language, ..aries, reality television, are you still reading this shit?, animals, bigfoot / sasquatch, megantereon cultridens, astronomy, reading, ghosts, maps.

I'd like to meet:

anyone with a sense of humor who can also appreciate looking at a meteor shower. i also want to meet a ghost or a guy who is not vain. i'd like to meet bigfoot. i'd like to meet an alien from another planet. i'd like to meet Canadians (God's frozen children) they rule. i'd like to meet anyone, really. except serial killers. please kill far away from me. oh, i'd love to meet Scott Ian too!feel free to e-mail me. i like chatting with people - its very cool.


4AD, popgoth, synthpop, ska, bossanova, french go-go, goth, motown, cocteau twins, throwing muses, pixies, this mortal coil, dead can dance, slowdive, ride, lush, my bloody valentine, siouxsie, ebtg, the aislers set, kristin hersh, matt johnson (who i want to marry), kraftwerk (always), abba, francoise hardy, sylvie vartan, camera obscura, chameleons UK, 50 Foot Wave, blah blah blah i'm so cool right?, serge gainsbourg, april march, brigitte bardot, girl groups, astrud gilberto, nick cave, some sigur ros, radiohead, kathy hannah, mad monster party, blur, b-52's, and dannii minogue.


alien, aliens, alienses, best in show, V for Vendetta, the haunting (the original), lost in translation, xanadu, airplane!, war of the gargantuas, attack of the fish people, legend of boggy creek, guffman, office space, friday, lotr, jeffrey, sin city, napoleon dynamite, west side story, jaws, grease, sullivan's travels, silence of the lambs, cluny brown, portrait of jennie, x-men III, little miss sunshine, and anything GODZILLA!


reality show trash, ..aries on the discovery channel (s), inside the actor's studio, godzilla movies, campus ladies, reno 911, the NASA channel, cartoons (justice league), ass for less, x-files, biography channel, animal planet, canadian idol, america's next top model, gilmore girls, project runway, lost, desperate housewives, robot chicken.


Evolution (companion to the PBS series), Big Cats and their Fossill Relatives, Tales of the City, Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould, Crime and Punishment, life of pi, rama the gypsy cat, anything Stephen Jay Gould, the boxcar children, stephen king, any paleo, porn, trashy autobiographical books.


Gavin Newsom, Gavin Newsom, and Gavin Newsom ....

My Blog

back to the real world via cheese

that's right, i said cheese.let me start this off romantically .... picture me in a rented flat in Paris in June.  i returned from visiting the Catacombs beneath the city.  i went to the loc...
Posted by Homotherium on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:56:00 PST

I Have Landed

Stephen Jay Gould, in his final book before his death, wrote a chapter called "I Have Landed".  the sentence came to him from a postcard his grandfather had written back to family in Europe upon ...
Posted by Homotherium on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:00:00 PST

I'll Always Have Paris ...

this was the best vacation i've ever taken in my life.no lie.i stopped traveling 4 years ago when my dad was given one year to live.  i knew i would have to use my vacation time to visit him - or...
Posted by Homotherium on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:42:00 PST

2 weeks to France

two weeks to france and counting.  sure i expect to humiliated there as much as i am here, but at least it will be pretty and provincial.  it will be amazing.  i will be with 9 or 10 f...
Posted by Homotherium on Sat, 12 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

I am going to France ....

so, i will be taking my first vacation in 3 years.  this time i am going to France. not just France, though, but Francy France!  2 of my good friends are celebrating their 10th wedding anniv...
Posted by Homotherium on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 09:54:00 PST

worst valentines day ever

eh, mark the fact that i'm single - that'll kill everything. so, i forgot it was valentine's day today.  single geeks forget that shit, okay?  for some odd reason i wore the brightest red sh...
Posted by Homotherium on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:40:00 PST

Nightmare Travelogue

the holidays can suck in so many ways.  mine did in 12 billion ways.  but, before i tell you of the suckage, i will say this:  spending 8 days with my nephew and neice (and i'd kill for...
Posted by Homotherium on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 01:31:00 PST

i will be in the woods of southern New Mexico

i will be taking an xmas break from 12/19 until 12/29.  so i will be in the snow with every relative i know during that time.  my entire family has bought acres of forest in southern NM and ...
Posted by Homotherium on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 11:29:00 PST

My Horoscope

This is what my horoscope said on Sunday: "The winter of your discontent is over before it even began. Look ahead to 2007, the best year of the rest of your life. Already, the portentous sojourn of th...
Posted by Homotherium on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:58:00 PST

Plus One Guest ....

god, we're getting to holiday season again.  i got my first E-VITE for a holiday party and i see a number of my friends responding with "yes - plus one guest".  i think i bitched in an earl...
Posted by Homotherium on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 12:30:00 PST