Most MMA - UFC fighters ... Matt Hughes, Patrick Cote, Sean Sherk, Rich 'Ace Franklin, Tim Sylvia and the coolest, Mike 'Quick' Swick as seen here below.... Pierre Trudeau - maybe in the hereafter? Aiden Shaw, Jesse O'Toole and John Davenport, Dawson (you know who you beast). Icon of amazingness Vivienne Westwood. Margaret Thatcher - so hate me then. Johnny Cash in the late 60's. The Ramones in the late 70's. Leigh Bowery in the mid80's - happily did bump into him briefly at Daisy Chain once. Architects and Designers (past and present): Mies Van Der Rohe, Ron Arad, Le Corbusier, Arne Jacobsen, Zaha Hadid, Richard Neutra, Ingo Maurer.