Jim Finley profile picture

Jim Finley

every moment in music is a discovery

About Me

* Harwin

* Million Year Dance

* Fallbrook

* Paul Hartwell

* Hollister Fracus


* Kim Hull

* Harwin

* Million Year Dance

* Fallbrook

* Rainchild

* John Garza

* Kim Hull

* James Zepeda

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

waylon jennings, ben grosse, mickey gilley, mick guzawski, terry date, ben wish, jack joseph puig, and tom lord alge.


* Pro Tools HD 3 V.7.4
* Digidesign 192 Convertor
* Apogee Big Ben 192 Clock
* Apple Mac G5
* Glyph Drives
* Alesis Masterlink
* Yamaha NS-10's
* JBL LSR 28/ w Sub
* Auratones
* Presonus Central Station
* Switchcraft TT Patchbay
* Altec 1612 B
* Universal Audio 1176 LN
* Avalon 747 Stereo
* Distressor w/X mod
* SPL Transient Designer (stereo)
* Magnecord P60-C
* RCA BN-2B (60's vintage)
* Chandler Germanium 500
* Universal Audio 610B
* Vintech X 73 I
* Neotek 2 (x2)
* API 512 C (x2)
* Purple Audio Biz (x2)
* Neumann U87
* Shure KSM 32
* Electro Voice 360
* Altec 650 B
* Altec 633 A (salt shaker)
* Soundelux U195
* Shure SM 81
* Shure SM 57 (x2)
* Sennheiser E609
* AKG 414 (x2) * AKG D112
* Heil PR 40
* Royer 121
* Coles 4038
* Mesa Boogie Single Rec. (mod)
* Mesa Nomad
* Orange Tiny Terror
* Orange 1x12 Cab.
* Marshall JCM 800 (mod)
* Bogner Uberschall 4x12 cab
* Les Pauls (x2)
* Evil Twin DI
* Fender Strat American Deluxe
* Peterson Stobe Tuner
* Waves
* UA
* Massey
* Izotope
* Gforce
* Bomb Factory HD Bundle
* Sound Toys (full suite)
* McDsp

My Blog

David Upp vocals

David and I wrapped up the vocals on "At my side". He is off to drummer land to work out the parts. David never ceases to amaze me with his focus and determination. Not only does he work multiple jobs...
Posted by Jim Finley on Sat, 31 May 2008 10:58:00 PST

Shakespeare Harris, Honest Charlie,David Upp...

I have been busy with many things the past few weeks. Editing the Honest Charlie bass and drum tracks getting them ready to cut guitars in the next few days. The tracks sound really open and big. Ronn...
Posted by Jim Finley on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:07:00 PST

Honest Charlie,Kevin Bean.

I will be at Sound Arts in Houston TX tomorrow (11th) to  start tracking on 5 songs for "Honest Charlie". We will be cutting most of the parts live. Super great guys and a really solid band. The ...
Posted by Jim Finley on Sun, 11 May 2008 10:45:00 PST


I have not had a chance to post in a while. I have been very busy with many projects. The Harwin record continues to make great progress. We are in mixing stage currently. The project with Shakespeare...
Posted by Jim Finley on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 05:58:00 PST

Harwin Record

Work continues on the Harwin record. We are in mixing mode on the four songs that we have been tracking. "Tidalwaves" is coming along really well. The soundtrack is in stores coast to coast right now....
Posted by Jim Finley on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:45:00 PST

Projects moving forward.

Mike Morton recently cut piano for a James Zepeda song (Gravity) at Sound Arts. Mike came in and just killed it. Super job Mike. The song is a piano driven slow song with a really nice hip hop style t...
Posted by Jim Finley on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:36:00 PST

Harwin record.

I haven't posted anything in awhile so I'm going to try and catch up a bit. Work continues on the Harwin record. All of the major parts are done on the current four songs we are working on. We have a ...
Posted by Jim Finley on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 05:17:00 PST

Million Year Dance

I have been super busy lately with many different projects and I am very behind on my blogging so please forgive me. I am working on the new record with the band, "Million Year Dance", www.myspace.com...
Posted by Jim Finley on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 08:01:00 PST

Harwin at 4 on Billboard.

I am very excited to be posting this. The band "Harwin" is at 4 on Billboards Internet chart. The two songs that I produced are part of a box set that includes two songs from Harwin and one song ...
Posted by Jim Finley on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:57:00 PST

Projects continue

I have been very busy and have not taken the time to blog. I will post  updates in a few days. Lots of stuff going on.. Jim.
Posted by Jim Finley on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 06:52:00 PST