Tracy Rae profile picture

Tracy Rae

We're All Invited To Bloom!

About Me

We are each the author of our life, choosing what we want to be moment to moment. Once I realized that my thoughts really do create my life, my experience became one of celebration, exploration, and recreation of my belief system. Life is so amazing, and I feel blessed to remember that most of the time. I am reminded by the many occurrences of synchronicity, through the restored voice of my intuition, and through the countless manifestations of my mind's creative vision. I found my passion, which is expressing Spiritual Principles through lyric and melody. Peeling the onion of the self has inspired me to be who I really am (an unlimited and creative expression of Life) and has also granted me the added bonus of LOTS of song material. It's my honor to share my journey with you and I trust that the wisdom contained within each song will bless, encourage, and inspire all those who are seeking a greater expression of Life. I encourage all reading this (including myself) to continue to go deeper and deeper into the infinite well of your soul. Each of us is here as a unique being with needed gifts. I find truth and wisdom in Harold Whitman's call to rise: "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Namaste ~Tracy Rae . ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ .......................................... Tips, Tithes, Offerings, Blessings & Prayers gratefully accepted. I'm currently giving 150+ CDs a month to those who may be served. I'm also recording two professional CDs of original music. You are welcome to support these endeavors if you feel so called. Know that your presence here is your present. May we all give the gift of ourselves. Thank you for your contribution to our world community!

My Interests


Member Since: 8/1/2006
Band Website: - coming soon
Band Members: On Album: Tracy Rae Clark (songwriter, vocals, guitar, recording); Erik Michael Ramnath (rockin' guitar, bass, dobro, keyboard, background vocals, recording, any other needed instrument); Richard Bogen (drums, percussion, various highly creative sounds, guitar, synth, background vocals); Maesyn Strite (deeply emotive violin, sultry background vocals, shaker); Chad Haldeman-Englert (groovy bass, enlightened smile); Albert Ramnath (sweet bass, rocking drums, creative rhythms, guitar, background vocals); Greg White aka: the bass line killer (need I say more?!). I am so blessed and grateful to have each of these wonderful expressions of the Divine so generously sharing their gifts and talents to create this album. And besides being amazing & creative musicians, they're some of my best friends. All but Chad have their own myspace pages which are in my top friends list. I encourage you to check out the unique mix of people that came together to create this album.
Influences: Each of my songs is a melodic delivery of life as I know and experience it. My greatest influences have been those that have inspired or nudged me to elevate my consciousness and rise above the smallness of seeing myself as separate to remembering myself as One with all. From this perspective I am influenced by the Still Small Voice (and my acceptance or denial of it and the ensuing consequences); Life's Lessons (humility, forgiveness, unconditional love, compassion, harmony, expression, creativity); Great Teachers of Truth including Jesus, Paramahansa Yogananda, Ernest Holmes; Wisdom Books including The Bible, Kaballah; Sufi poetry; each amazing angel that has entered my life and thus offer the opportunity to grow; My Blessed Family, Dear Friends and Beloved Prayer Partners. I am so grateful to United Centers for Spiritual Living, and specifically New Vision Spiritual Growth Center in Scottsdale, Arizona, for an amazing education and deepening in Spiritual Principle. Musically, my greatest influences have been melodically rich musicians with deep lyrics, including Jewel, Van Morrison, Dave Matthews Band, Beatles, Train, Blind Melon, Gomez. I honor, thank, and bless all Teachers of Truth and all Musicians for contributing to my music, knowing that we share a collective consciousness and each droplet of wisdom and creativity sends a ripple through the pond.
Sounds Like: A unique expression of Life...

Record Label: Highland Studios
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Here we are at the beginning of another Arizona summer and our dear Mama Earth is going through yet another cycle. I have an ever-growing appreciation of nature & natural cycles and look to patterns i...
Posted by Tracy Rae on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 12:42:00 PST

Bigger Yes Behind this No

I have had the interesting experience of pretty much getting the things I set out to get throughout my life. This began occuring far before I realized that our intentions are creative. Well, here's th...
Posted by Tracy Rae on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:33:00 PST

Our Last Judgement

I was hanging out very much in time... trying to predict the future, based on experience from the past, spending my present. Judging, predicting, judging, predicting... Argh! What a parasite this monk...
Posted by Tracy Rae on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 03:12:00 PST

So many beautiful expressions of the One God (aka: Spirit/Love/Nature)

Recently I posted a video of Maesyn & I singing along w/ the song "Faith", which quotes some awesome passages of power & wisdom in the Bible. Upon seeing the video someone noted that they...
Posted by Tracy Rae on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 12:39:00 PST

What's up with me?

Ah, relationships. I have a song called Diamond which begins: "Oh, my lover (brother/friend), I want to thank you for helping me remember who I am. We are diamonds in the rough & when we bump...
Posted by Tracy Rae on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:37:00 PST