About Me
Hi!!! My name is Big Chief Eggsmith. I was born today February 20th 2005, however my moms and dad said it's not an option to be born today on myspace. Therefore they tell me to lie and say I am 16. I was born in a drunken stupor to my three favorite people, Chris, Katy, and Kim. They share custody and I am so excited to travel around Concordia College. If you see any of the three people mentioned around campus ask one of them to introduce you to me. I am awesome. I can out drink anyone. I smoke more than you, just you wait. If you're looking for a good time... come my way. My passions are staying up past nine, drinking chubbys, coloring some of my friends, and I am a raging democrat! My dream is to one day become a magician. be my myspace friend, and if i just so happen to like you, we can make egg babies :)