Some things that i like include... Smiling, being outside (but not if you're locked out), playing out with my friends, the faeries, travel, hot bubble baths, long lie ins, cheese (man, cheese is my greatest downfall), glitter, singing really loud when no-ones there to hear me go wrong (especially if it's a stupid disney tune), swimming in the sea (not in the mersey tho), small hippos, conkers, the Art of Brian froud, cooking (especially Italien food, yum), rainbow things, daydreaming, night dreaming come to that, reading, mud, dancing like a fool and loving every second of it, sunday pub days, allowing myself to get excited in a silly way, sunbathing on a yacht, films, walking along with my earphones in getting lost in another world, playing dressing up, spiderwebs, eat natural cranberry and macadamia dark chocolate bars (mmmmm), stupidly bright colours (everywhere), being in the sun, the holistic side of life, piecing together events from the previous evening with all the guilty culprits, clouds in the sky, confusing or just bare-faced lying to children (especially about the monkeys that don't live in the woods in england lol), dining out, exploring, laughing so hard it hurts (acid giggles included), travelling, making things, meditating, watching the seasons change (it never fails to amaze me when spring happens all over again and everything goes lime green - gorgeous!), Dancing to psytrance under the sun on a beach prefereably not in this continent, seeing live music and generally sighing with satisfaction.Quite startlingly, i am also interested in my work. I teach kids outdoor education (shelter building, orienteering, archery etc), Drama and Art. I work at a place called the CHET centre in Little Crosby just north of Liverpool city centre. This place is located through a timewarp i go into each time i travel to work. It's set approximately eleventyone (111) years in the past. Part of my job is also to look after our animals in the mini-farm, there are goats sheep and a big dexter cow called Teddy who is like a giant walking teddy (not tp mention chuck the demon chicken!). CHET is a charity and local kids (mostly primary) come and visit us (we obviously give them instructions how to get throught to our time when they book) and sometimes stay over for a few days. We have lots of fun. They pay me to run a round in the woods all day showing kids from the grey city the greens of nature. nuff said really.
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I Like lots of different musics. Some of them are plinky plonky and some are a bit thrashy, sometimes the bass drops and i jump up and down and other times i melt away into puddle-ville. I particularly enjoy gloopy music. The music i listen to most is probably Hendrix and Joni. If it makes my feet or my heart move i like it.
Amelie, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Goonies, Edward Scissorhands, Hook, Life is Beautiful, Lord of the Rings, Willow, Stealing Beauty, all the Studio Ghibli films, Ghost in the shell, Fifth element, Back to the future Trilogy, Indiana Jones, The last unicorn, Belleville rendezvous, Romeo and Juliet, Practical Magic and other sad films (u get the gist :P)
My Tv only works when the wind blows in the right direction and there's not too many seaguls around, but when it does i might watch..Green Wing, Scrubs, Spaced, The Mighty Boosh, Simpsons, Black Books, Look around you, Friends, Family Guy ... ra ra ra, you get the idea
The Pie, Milan Kundera, Anything by Brian Froud, Alice, Lord of the Rings, The cosmic Serpent, Plath's poerty & Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams , Narnia, The Celestine Prophecy, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials Trilogy, Roald Dahl (god i'm sounding more and more like a kid, but i don't mind), Terry Pratchett, Generally speaking escapism works well for me
erm....i'm not so sure about heroes- there are lots of people i admire, (i happen to be quite fond of Lisa Simpson and Dawn French, but i'd never say they were my heroes), a real hero is someone who stands up for what they believe in no matter what the cost. I don't know most of my heros names because they're not famous celebrities.