I enjoy anything that takes me out into unspoiled natural settings (hiking, mt. biking, etc.). I also like to see live music, catch thought provoking movies, hang-out with my kids, read and write.
Whoever, wherever, whenever
I have eclectic tastes that run from classic and alternative country music to hip-hop. Some of my favorites are Wilco, Sun Volt, Uncle Tupelo (of course), CCR, Ween, Beastie Boys, Johny Cash, Junior Brown, Jane's Addiction (the early years), The Clash, The Kinks, The Replacements, Warren Zevon, Yonder Mountain String Band, and on and on.
Reservoir Dogs is my favorite. But I also like the Coen Brothers (Raising Arizona, Millers Crossing, Big Lebowski, etc.), anything written by Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and Alexander Payne (Election, Sideways).
I don't watch TV.
Too many to name. Some of my favorite authors are Milan Kandura (Unbearable Lightness of Being), Tom Robbins (Even Cowgils get the Blues, Still Life with Woodpecker, Jitterbug Perfume, etc.), Pete Dexter (Paperboy, Paris Trout), Roddy Doyle (Commitments, The Van), Nick Hornby, and I recently discovered Will Clarke whose book Lord Vishnu's Love Handles is hilarious.