About Me
WITH ALL THY GETTING...can you imagine, the power of communication between cultures, races, religions if we could just talk to one another... a powerful image brought forward and an idea to be heard... .. width="425" height="350" ..The following is a video sent to us by Kinky Friedman, candidate for Governor of Texas... We like it!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com The following video is what this quest is all about... becoming involved. I want to thank the makers for allowing us to post it here.Please watch. THE FIRST 'SPEECH' HAS ARRIVED !!This might send the our 'concept' into a whole different direction... MORE TO COME!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com This site is the precursor to a REALITY TV SHOW that will offer the American People a chance to reveal to our neighbors and the World the type of candidates we would like to see lead us.For decades, we have been offered by our political parties (the TWO of them) those people THEY thought could best lead us. Those without money, social standing, or political connections had little chance of ever breaking into the politcal arena.But with the growth of the interent, America is connecting to one another, talking to one another like they never have before.We CAN FIND the person who has the knowledge of world politics and economic affairs. We CAN FIND the person who has the compassion towards America's plights and the power to motivate US to help in their solutions. We CAN FIND the person who will lead our Country back to what AMERICA can and should be.America has a population of 295,734,134. MySpace has nearly 100,000,000 members. CAN WE FIND ONE who can lead in those numbers.YES !HOW ???Make a one minute speech of what you think you have to offer the American People. It may be COMICAL or SEDATE... but make a point.The speech must consist of one continous take with no edits or cuts within the submission. Either send a VHS tape or CD with a file in one of the following formats .AV1, .MOV, .MPG, or .WMV (this can be accomplished by using Windows Movie Maker that comes with Windows XP). Frame size must be 320x240 pixels and no larger than 5MB. All candidates are limited to one submission... so make it count.Send submissions to The American Candidate, 167 Beck Ave., Suite 2, Akron, OH 44302-1351 or email oddpair@neo.rr.com
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b
My Blog
Did we get your attention?
Did we? Did you read the post?
We'll post some of the emails we received and our replies after a few hours.
Posted by The American Candidate on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 01:22:00 PST
Are you willing to die for what you believe?
Got your attention? Well maybe, but think about it. Think about our first Presidents and their relationship to England, Before our country was born... running, hiding from approaching armies, meeting ...
Posted by The American Candidate on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 11:12:00 PST
Take it seriously
We read the papers, watch cable, listen to the news... the information comes in but do we take it in... analyze it?
Think about it? The are so many spins on each story...which one 'rin...
Posted by The American Candidate on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 12:30:00 PST
THE FIRST SPEECH has a GREAT point of view
When we first viewed the FIRST 'speech' we received, honestly, we thought... "where is this thing going to go." But upon watching it over again, we realized it had a very distinct and p...
Posted by The American Candidate on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 03:45:00 PST
Please send a note when you become a Friend
Please send a note if you will when you become a "Friend" so we can thank you for giving us a chance to show you what all of us can do.
AND... if you wish, send an email address so...
Posted by The American Candidate on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 08:40:00 PST
We NEED the involvement of the ARTS in our search !
The is a personal plea for the involvement of those within the arts to aid us with this process and to post their opinions.Theatre, films, TV and music have always reflected the mo...
Posted by The American Candidate on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:14:00 PST
The First Six Candidates will be posted on MySpace
The First Six Candidates who email (oddpair@neo.rr.com) or snailmail their 'campaign' speeches will be featured on the MySpace site.
The website will be up shortly where all will be posted (or until ...
Posted by The American Candidate on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 10:33:00 PST
An attempt to involve EVERYONE in a process too many ignore
Whether you are 35 years old and an American citizen or a visitor to our country... you are part of our nation. And as it was in the political arena many, many years ago this forum is an initial way t...
Posted by The American Candidate on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:08:00 PST
This site is the precursor to a REALITY TV SHOW that will offer the American People a chance to show our Fellow Countrymen and the World the type of candidates we would like to see lead us.
For decade...
Posted by The American Candidate on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 04:56:00 PST