I am a cigarette smoking rabbit puppet. I interview celebrities for the cable access show "I'M GOING TO MAKE A DRUG WITH MY MIND". I also write a monthly column in WHOOPSY MAGAZINE in Austin Texas called "TALKING SHIT with Pisspot The Rabbit". That's how cool I am. I live in New York state and I write a column for AUSTIN FUCKING TEXAS. You can visit Whoopsy right down there in my top friend list.I'm extremely jealous of other puppets and yes, I KNOW TRIUMPH KICKED MY ASS - I WAS THERE -IT'S ON VIDEO AND THE YOUTUBES AND SHIT, SO STOP TELLING ME!
Here's all that PRESS RELEASE STYLE:
Pisspot the rabbit is a cigarette smoking rabbit puppet. A variation of the popular "ministry puppets" that are usually seen in Sunday school productions. Pisspot has thrust his life in a saltier direction. Before appearing on the cult public access show "I'm Going To Make A Drug With My Mind", Pisspot was a therapy puppet for many years. His body has been used as a roadmap for a thousand recalled childhood traumas, so don't talk to him about your miserable life.
He has interviewed, met or hassled such luminaries as: Blowfly - Chuck D.- Murphy's Law - Dame Darcy- Brave Combo- Triumph the Insult Comic Dog - George Clinton - Jucifer - Daniel Johnston - Ike Willis - Jimmy Carl Black - Napolean Murphy Brock the Famous Naked Cowboy and the Pontani Sisters. He also appeared as a talking hand on Ted Koppel's Nightline during the Republican Convention in 2004.
If you pay for his transportation,cigarettes and time, Pisspot will appear anywhere for whatever reason. Weddings? No problem! Bar Mitzvas? Where's the yarmulka?! Stand up comedy? I'll do it at your corporate event! Children's parties? THAT WILL COST YOU EXTRA!
Pisspot is currently gearing up for a 2008 presidential bid. Think about it.