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The Doors, Prince, Pink Floyd, Chris Jones & Word of Praise, Nirvana, Stevie Wonder, ALL of old school Motown, Johnny Cash, Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Benny Goodman, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Pearl Jam, AfroMan, Marilyn Manson (before he went all Hollywood!), V.U., Amy Winehouse(get yo' ish together girl!), Blondie, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Kraftwerk, Cybotron
Memento(remember Sammy Jankis), School Daze, 11:14, Friday, The Fog (1980), Under The Cherry Moon, Ciao!Manhattan, Wall Street, Boiler Room, Deep Cover, Magnolia, Vanilla Sky, The Others, The Lion King, The Great Race, A Soldier's Story, Hustle & Flow (cause it's truly hard out here on a pimp!)
Sanford & Son, Dirt(Damn they cancelled it), Law & Order: SVU & C.I., Girlfriends (RIP) and Chappelle's Show (RIP), Hell Date, The Sopranos (Long live Tony!).
Hope For The Flowers, The Fourth Turning(EXCELLENT BOOK!), Contemporary English Version: The Holy Bible, The Purpose Driven Life, The Personal Touch, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, I'll Take Manhattan, Lady Boss, Hollywood Wives and Edie.
My Grandaddy, my cousin Tina, Mike Malloy.