Music, DJing, Photography
I am a MUSIC LOVER 1st, a DJ 2nd and a RECORD COLLECTOR 3rd. Although most people consider me a House Music DJ. I really don't believe in limiting myself to any single genre of music. IF I FEEL IT. I PLAY IT!
The Fountainhead, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter(1-3), Mildred Pierce, Maestro, Once Upon A Time In America, The Incredibles, Boomerang, Love Jones, Scarface, Casablanca, Indiana Jones(1-3), Aliens (1,2 & AVP) Bladerunner, Jurassic Park(1-3, A Long Kiss Goodnight, I Robot, Fifth Element, Reservior Dogs, Terminator (1-3),(What can I say, I'ma GEEK)
You've been warned in advance. I'M A GEEK! My favorite shows are: 24, Prison Break, Lost, Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Sliders, The 4400, Desperate Housewives, Quantum Leap, Grey's Anatomy, & my guilty pleasure is AMC (too twisted to spell out in full)
Keep On Dancin': My Life & The Paradise Garage, last Night A DJ Saved My Life, Anne Rice Vampire series.