Subdued Animosity profile picture

Subdued Animosity


About Me

We are Subdued Animosity, we are a two man project that is always trying something new with our music. We are heavily influenced by grunge and alternative of the 90's, hard rock, acoustic and folk, and classic rock. We love all kinds of music and we dare to be different. We are by no means mainstream, but that can be a very good thing, depending on how you see it. This is a project of songs that we each write or collaberate on, songs that come from the heart and the soul, songs with feeling and meaning, we both have alot of thoughts about life, this world, spirituality, truth, happiness, sadness, anger, all different kinds of feelings and emotions that we all have, we are not an "emo" trend, we are our own thing, emotions shouldnt be labeled. So say what you mean, and mean what you say!
Subdued Animosity

My Interests


Member Since: 7/27/2006
Band Website: None yet
Band Members: JPM-Vocals and Carl Martin-Guitar/Vocals
Influences: Alice in Chains, Johnny Cash, Fuel, The Beatles, Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Neil Young, R.E.M. to name a few.
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Sounds Like: Whatever you, the listener think it sounds like.....we're not trying to be anything we are not.
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Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Second Album

What to expect from the second album? Well we will continue to experiment and try new things with our music and vocals, and hopefully continue to grow this into something more. The songwriting is alwa...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:40:00 PST

New music on the way!

Hello everyone! Carl and I have both been writing new material, he has his own songs he's been writing, and I have mine I been writing as well. He of course being the music man that will make somethin...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 12:02:00 PST

Keep moving forward

Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that all of the new fans and all of the fans we already have we appreciate every single one of you! From all the parts of the world. Those of you that have given us ...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 10:20:00 PST

A Look Into The Future...Kind Of.

When will the album be done?  Shortly...I hope.  While seemingly writing in every style I can imagine, I hope to figure out a tracklisting soon.  An EP would probably be a safe bet, but...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:40:00 PST

Subdued Animosity takes the airwaves   This is the link where you can now listen to Subdued Animosity in daily rotation, stay tuned to this station at this website link, and listen for us...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:22:00 PST

New opportunities

Hello all! Subdued Animosity has been slow getting more and more new material as we know but we have gotten some more in the works we promise! And we are in the process of being played on some radio s...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:54:00 PST

New steps forward

Dear fans, We've been talking about adding new members and creating new music lately. And we have been kind of slow in doing this, but we have had various things keep us from doing what we do best, bu...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:35:00 PST

Update From Carl

Whassup, yo? After many hours of deliberation on what direction are band needed to go, we decided that we would try a couple of heavy songs to gauge reaction and see what you guys think.  Those w...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:24:00 PST

We are still alive!

Hello everyone, fans and friends, We are still alive everyone. and we want to thank each and every one of you for listening to our music and supporting us, whoever you are. Also, we are in the process...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:28:00 PST

New music

Hello all! Subdued Animosity is back, with a sort of hiatus, we were just taking our time before releasing or rushing into making new songs. But we are back....we are working on some more songs right ...
Posted by Subdued Animosity on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST