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More self-regarding nonsense.

About Me

Members Only

Members Only is a philosophical comedy set in heaven. When Eric finds himself dead and unable to enter paradise due to the fact he is not a member, he obtains a pass that was once owned by Carmine Craxxi, a mafia boss who bribed the pope to ensure safe passage through the Pearly Gates. Thus, having only ever risen to the giddy heights of IT specialist for an Internet company that could never turn a profit while alive, in death, he was The Godfather.
To buy Members Only, visit my shop .
I am currently making good progress on the sequel to Members Only. The working title of it is Ten Thousand Things. That may change, but right now I quite like it. Here are the opening few lines:
Everything is an illusion. Reality is not what we perceive it to be. The idea that one thing can be separate from another is, to those who know, laughable. The difference, they point out, between a table and, say, a fairy cake is no difference at all. However, believing that a table and a fairy cake are two very different things indeed is somewhat of a useful mistake to make when you are looking for somewhere to put your beer. It really is quite remarkable how many very clever people forget that last part.
For more information go to my website .
One of my piano lessons with Helen. Guess which part is mine. Stay with it for the bonus track: Chopsticks!

My Interests


I admit that I feel about books the way others seem to feel about great albums. I like music, and am sometimes moved to tears by it, but it does not provide the soundtrack to my life. I like anything that is original, has a spark of wit and intelligence and makes a great noise.


Dr. Strangelove, Citizen Kane, The Third Man, Amelie, The Life of Brian, Audition, Il Postino, Life is Beautiful, Annie Hall, Husbands and Wives, Deconstructing Harry, Delicatessen, Zulu, Closing Time, Godfather II, Pi, The Pink Panther films, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Sweet and Lowdown.


Comedy and documentary. I am also addicted to Lost.


The books of Wodehouse, Wilde, Coelho and Hesse. My favourite books are The Code of the Woosters, The Glass Bead Game, The Alchemist, the Tao Te Ching, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 1984, Down and Out in Paris and London, Wild Swans, Hard Times, Anna Karenina, The Bones of the Master, The Famished Road, Life of Pi, Birthday Letters, Steppenwolf, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Mrs Dalloway, Lord of the Flies, Siddhartha, Catch-22.

My Blog

Incidentally . . .

. . . on my second circuit of the solar system I found the dark matter cosmologists have been looking for. It's behind Neptune along with a bag of hardened cement, a stack of old magazines and some we...
Posted by Richard on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:44:00 PST

A Close Encounter

I was kidnapped by aliens yesterday. Well, I say that. It was more a case of me imposing on their hospitality than anything else. Allow me to explain. I was walking back from the pub when I heard a lo...
Posted by Richard on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 03:40:00 PST

Loose Change

I went to my first rehearsal this morning and it did not go well. It seems I am unable to urinate under pressure. They kept me supplied with cups of tea but when I received my cue I couldn't for...
Posted by Richard on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 04:33:00 PST

Strictly Need to Go

Have you ever been caught short? Of course you have. It happened to me today when I was out shopping in town. The trouble is, I still think I am eighteen years old. At that age, a man's bladder is as ...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:10:00 PST


I decided that the articles in my blog were far too serious to be put there. I put them all in a new Articles section on my revamped website:; and my blogs from now on will use...
Posted by Richard on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:07:00 PST

New Discussion Forum

I have started a set of boards, attached to my website, to discuss literature, books you're passionate about, authors you love and words & phrases that you find either interesting or amusing. It's...
Posted by Richard on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 04:44:00 PST