Hey everyone! My Name is Marty Scheuer JR. I am a ProfessionalDrummer/Percussionist in Nashville Tennessee. I am currently playing on theroad and doing live gigs and showcases around town so feel free to contact me if you are in need of adrummer or percussionist. I Have been playing drums since age 7 and havehad the chance to work with many fine Musicians through the years playingover 175 gigs per year. I made the move from Wisconsin to Nashville tofurther my Musical career and am currently a student under Mr. Jim Riley ofRascal Flatts and world class drummer Johnny Rabb. I must say it is apleasure being taught by some of the best Musicians and nicest people i haveever met. I am available for Recording and live gigs, if you are intested sendme a message and i will be happy to get you the contact info that you need.Thank you everyone and i hope the power of music touch's every one ofyour lives like it is mine. -JR
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