I made the journey to Nashville back in '91 from a little town in south Louisiana called New Iberia. I told Momma I'd be back soon to retire her after I made my big mark in the music business. (HA!!) I've had some success, just not enough to keep from working a night gig down in Printers Alley or retire momma. I have 7 brothers and sisters that I love to spend time with. I wish everyone could meet them - they're a whole lot of fun! They all have families so when we get together there's a bunch of us. I have three beautiful girls that I'm a proud papa of. Katie, Emily and Sarah. And now I'm the proud grandpa of a bouncing baby girl. Miss Audrey Kay creaped in to this world on the 12th of January. Man you oughta see her! As for my wife Joyce all I can say is "I married up!" Man I love my girls. I'd still like to go back to La. someday and spend the rest of my years hangin with my bros and sis's, parents and friends. Maybe one day. I have been fortunate to have made some great friends back home and here in Music City, some of which you can see here on myspace. While you here please check out my music and feel free to comment or rate the songs. Well that's about enough about me. I'll end by saying remember "Everyday's Christmas - It's a Gift"
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Member Since: 15/12/2005
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