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with a bag o goodies and a bottle o wine we gonna get it on right tonight

About Me

Verily, i say unto you: good and evil that are transitory, do not exist. Driven on by themselves, they must overcome themselves again and again. with your values and words of good and evil you do violence when you value; andf this is your hidden love and the splendor and trembling and overflowing of your soul. But a more violent force and a new overcoming grow out of your values that break egg, and eggshell. And whoever must be a creator in good and evil, verily, must first be an annihilator and break values. Thus the highest evil belongs to the highest goodness: but this is creative.Freedom is what all of you like best to bellow; but i have outgrown the belief in "great events" wherever there is much bellowing and smoke. Believe me you hellish noise: the greatest events- they are not our loudest but our stillest hours. not around the inventors of the new noise, but around the inventors of new values does the world revolve; it revolves inaudibly. admit it. whenever your noise and smoke had cleared, very little had happened. what does it matter if a town became a mummy and a statue lie an the mud. and this word i shall add for those who overthrow statues: nothing is more foolish than casting salt into the sea and statues in the mud. This counsel however i give to kings and churches and everything that is weak with age and weak in virtue: let yourselves be overthrown- so that you may return to life, and virtue return to you. But church? what is that? That is a kind of state- the most mendacious kind. you know your own kind best! you like to talk with much smoke and bellowing - to make yourself believe that you are talking out of the belly or reality. for you want to be by all means the most important beast on earth, the state. and they believe you too.[random excerpts from nietzsche's "thus spoke zarathustra"]

My Interests

"OBEDIENCE ALONE GIVES THE RIGHT TO COMMAND." -Ralph Waldo Emerson Where's Waldo when you need him?

I'd like to meet:

"Allow the heart to empty itself, of all turmoil. Retrieve the utter tranquility of mind from which you issued. Although all forms are dynamic, and we all grow and transform, each of us is compelled to return to our root. Our root is quietude. To fully return to our root is to be enlightened. Never to experience tranquility is to act blindly, a sure path to disaster. To know tranquility is to embrace all. To embrace all is to be just. Justice is the foundation for wholeness. Wholeness is the great integrity. The great integrity is the infinite fulfilling itself." Lao Tzu


germs. beatles. zeppelin. Black Flag. dead kennedys. yes. black sabbath. slayer. subhumans. verbal abuse. the doors. DRI. nausea. david allen coe. capitalist casualties. exploited. hendrix. james brown. power pellut. nirvana. skanks. agent77. unfair. reagan youth. bad brains. minor threat. dave brubeck quartet. thelonious monk. blood of the sun. pink floyd. speaking of which, alot of these are like, duhhh. fear. the picts. antarctica vs the world. james gang. janis joplin. creed, just kidding. queen. the skeptix. cream. bob dylan. robert johnson. willie dixon. otis rush. little richard. lynyrd skynyrd. ccr. nobody reads all this. beethoven. bach. mozart. stravinsky. rachmaninoff. vivaldi. arlo guthrie. the who. sepultura. dying fetus. X. detestation. negative approach. F-. napalm death. white zombie. pig destroyer. circle jerks. surf nazis must die. unsane.


"Free forever! Oh, what a life we lead. Our hunger for things that never leave a belly full. Minds filled with shards of contentment we shall surely see in the end as wrong.Only suffering lay ahead, only pain and a life in hiding from the very things that breath us sweet life. We will only pass over these waters in boats of blood stained wood! True freedom will never be given by those men who make their way by using the hardened backs of the poor. One nation can never be had under any gods. They bless us not and hate us in our ignorance. One nation, under one people! No colors washed away by temples of false hope or houses of injustice. These bad men are only puppets! The only truth they see is in habit and thirsts for greed...AH what a great day when these old men die. With no more children to carry on their hate. All now know great and far the apple on the head or the way others speak. The force that can never be silenced. Science, sweet knowledge and the tree." -Ranting of a Drunken Madman

My Blog


bitch! you think im a hoe? ill show you hoe, you slut. yeah thats right i just called you a slut. now lets see who gets to go to the fair this year huh? yeah, and you now what? sorry to burst your tin...
Posted by Adam on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:43:00 PST

well fuck

im dying or something... well if not dying then i dont know if i can play the show friday with the skanks and god stewart at H&H. but SMM still wants to play and it was supposed to be a sort of go...
Posted by Adam on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 07:20:00 PST

Steal This Nation.

now it is nineteen eighty four. today is the anniversary of the senseless beginning of a war we started with iraq because we needed a bunch of people to die so we would have something to fight for. yo...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:11:00 PST

been a long time

yo i heard led zeppelins holding a venue in london for november 26th. they havent booked the show yet, just reserving the venue. thats all i know. could be bogus like all the other rumors that theyre ...
Posted by Adam on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:43:00 PST


fucck shit yeah son mayne its like fuckin damn labor day and shit. fuck. i dont fuckin gotta go to fuckin shit work damn shit. that shit is motha fuckin the shit, fuck. its fuckin like im off and...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:10:00 PST

Bucephalus Beauford III

man i went swimming last night and there were a bunch of people and i was just a walkin and i saw a white wabbit on the gwound and i smooshed it up wif my feets and  we was a jumpin jumpin jumpin...
Posted by Adam on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 11:10:00 PST

Swan Song

k so im in dallas and im gonna go see another Zeppelin tribute bandcalled Swan Song. i saw a video of them and they kick ass. the dude pulls out the fuckin Bow and everything. i went to see another Ze...
Posted by Adam on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:22:00 PST

more hai-krap

ok so im bored at work like 110% of the time so i just think of words that rhyme and could possibly go together. actually most of these arent based on rhyme at all, i just like to think of 5 syll...
Posted by Adam on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 03:23:00 PST

haiku time.

i got bored at work and wrote these haikus. i have a feeling there will be more. this ones about some shit i found in a closet one time and my imagination ran wild: its called Apples because they dont...
Posted by Adam on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 03:11:00 PST

i love your brain.

change is constant. the most disturbing oxymoron. when life is great you want everything to stay the same. when life is headed for a cliff, you are screaming for a new set of brakes. so, you can eithe...
Posted by Adam on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:26:00 PST