Port City Punx is a promotion group started to premote the Shreveport punk scene, and any other type of music out of this hell hole we call a town. Ill be playing diffrent bands music on the site, rotating it. if you want your music on PCP, email me an mp3 with all the details, (band name, song title, album, year, label ect.) Ill be booking shows, promoting shows, what ever i can to help the scene, if you have a show and you want me to promote it, let me know, send me and ill send bullitens, put it on the site, ect. This town may fucking suck but its home unfortunatly.
Peace and love/fuck and destroy
Port City Punx
Attn Bands:
I want to help promote you and the shows you play in shreveport, but unfortunatly, i dont have the time to scower the web looking for your shows. So, if you have an upcomming show, send me a flyer and I will put it on the page and in my bullitens, commets, everywhere. If you dont have a flyer then message me all the details and ill still put it on the page, if you ask real nice like and promice me sexual favors then i might even make you a flyer. Also, if you want your band on the members part of the PCP page, let me know. Thats not a members only thing, its just the bands that have wanted to be on there (and some that i just put on there)
I need your help in doing this stuff so help me help you.
MySpace Layouts
MySpace Graphics
MySpace Generators