it started when patricia enigl was planning her birthday celebration. she wanted to invite a couple of friends, who like herself were producers and musicians, to perform at her party. this idea grew and grew and what began as an idea for a small festival for electronic music became one of the highlights of austria's festival summer 2003: the temp~ electronic music festival, which presented on two days about 50 live-acts, djs and vjs. the festival not just went down well with audience and press but also led to the formation of a large network of artists, who have been cultivating close contact with each other ever since.
the music, the mood and the spirit of the temp~ festival will now be preserved on sound carriers and led to the founding of a label, that serves as a counterpart to the live platform of the festival.
temp~records was founded in september 2003. it will show the results of various cooperations , feature music that was influenced by the festival and promote innovative, primarily austrian productions.
temp~records wants to turn over the traditional relations that are predominant between artists and label. temp~ tries to heavily incorporate artists into questions concerning production and grants enormous liberties in realizing individual ideas without neglecting continuity and quality. the temp~festival already successfully mixed different styles of electronic music and temp~records now also aims to be a central platform for a broad variety of electronic music.
tmp-009ep - digilog "realational
tmp-008ep - 55.rnd "in peanuts we trust"
tmp-007ep - irradiation "wunschtraum nr.1"
tmp-006cd - kelvin raah "oxymoron"
tmp-005ep - marcus füreder "music i believe in"
tmp-004ep - cosmanova "out of my mind"
tmp-003 - audio underwear "looking for freedom"
tmp-002ep - irradiation "a place for crazy people"
tmp-001cd - 55 rondy "my critical hertz"temp~electronic music festival compilation 2007
temp~electronic music festival compilation 2006
temp~electronic music festival compilation 2005
temp~electronic music festival compilation 2004