Hello there. I have a story to tell. I have no particular credentials that would make my story more fantastic or sensational. I don't need you to buy anything, and I certainly will not try to do or say outrageous things to get attention. All I have to share is my story, and the highlights from an experience I had in case it might have a beneficial impact on someone else's life.
Several years ago, during a period of intense questioning, I had a spiritual experience. In the aftermath of that experience, I began to ask questions and receive answers to those questions as thought impulses in my mind. I recorded these either via word processor or tape recorder.
The first question that arose in my mind at the time of its occurence, which may also enter your mind, is whether it is factual or just a delusion. I leave that up to you to discern as I've already worked through these questions for myself.
It is my belief that the message is greater than the messenger and while there might be some lure in getting a lot of attention and praise, I feel it is more important to simply share my story and leave it at that. No frills, no extras, just what it is.
I will share these transcripts as Blogs and as Bulletins, so one may subscribe and receive them by becoming a friend, or by subscribing to my blog. Thanks for stopping by.