UnOeWhOâ„¢ profile picture


NoBoDy ChAnGeD mE

About Me

A simple type of guy. Always follow his heart through everything. Still skooling rite now. Another 1 and a half more year to go before his national service. Like to chill out most of the time. And he never say yes to drug.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PoEpLe WhO wAnT tO nOe mE aNd WhO nOe Me Do Add Me In hErE & MsN [email protected]


AvEnGeD sEvEnFoLd, A sTaTiC LuLLaBy, bLeSStHeFaLL, aLeXiSoNfiRe, aLeSaNa, SeNsEfAiL, SaOsIn, BuLLeT fOr My VaLeNtInE, iN tHiS mOmEnT, FoUr LeTTeR LiEs, EsCaPe tHe FaTe, DrOp dEaD gOrGeOuS, AuBuRn CiTy, SiLvErStEiN, hOpE tO bReAtH, FuNeRaL fOr A fRiEnD, ThE bLaCkOuT, fLoOd oF ReD, ThE DeViL wEaRs PrAdA, At ThE tHrOnE Of jUdGeMeNt aNd MaNy mOrE...


wHiTe ChIcKs, yOu GoT sErVe, hOnEy, dRuMLiNe, iTaLiAn JoB, S.w.A.t, 2 FaSt 2 FuRiOuS, bArBeRsHoP, BaRbErShOp 2, tHe AnChOrMaN, KuNg PoW, dAtE mOvIe, BiG MoMmA hOuSe 2, mAdAgAsCaR, ScArY mOvIe 1,2,3,4, tHe FaSt AnD tHe FuRiOuS: ToKyO dRiFt, oVeR tHe HeDge, ThE dA vInCi CoDe, RoBoT, OcEaN's 11, oCeAn'S 12, JaCkAsS 2 aNd MaNy MoRe....


OC, ChAsE, DeSpErAtE HoUsEwIvEs, JoEy, SmAllViLLe, C.s.I, SpOnGeBoB sQuArEpAnT, tHe SiMpSoN, wHoSe LiNe Is It AnYwAy, OnE tReE hILL, DrAkE aNd JoSh, ThE sUiTe LiFe Of ZaCk AnD cOdY, ViVa La BaM, WhErE's My DoG aT, MaDe, CeLeBrItIeS dEaThMaTcH, WaNnA cOmE iN?, YoUr MoMmA, MaDe, pRiSoN bReAk AnD mAnY mOrE


fUcK aLL bOoKs... i OnLy ReAd MaGaZiNeS

