City Of Angels
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Auburn City started late November in 2005 after our previous band known as Marionette called it quits We were Auburn City for awhile and than due to member changes and a change in sound we became Coveting Grace... again things didn't work and so we formed Auburn City into what it is now. We are artists in what we do and we have more passion than you could imagine...We're more than big dreams and big hopes. Each one of us has a message to portray into this let people know, and to signify that we are individuals in our creativity and we breath and bleed for our music. We are here for the people and for ourselves. We cherish YOU the fans more than anything because without fans what is a band? And we have some of the most amazing fans ever. We hope and plan to make a difference in some somehow leave our name in the music scene as it is and to live and survive because of our music. We will make sacrifices, and do whatever it takes to just let people know who we are...our sweat, blood, tears, and hearts go into what we do and we are glad to see that we have impacted people so far. We hope to see and bring our souls into each and everyone of you. To have our songs playing in your heads long after we slam them in there.We are artists, We live, we breathe, we play, and we will play for as long as we live. Through the pain, through the tears, through the drama...we live for the music we create. Indulge in my my characters, feel our songs and understand the effort we put into everything we do.We love you all, because you make it seem more like we're living our dream. and thats what makes all the hard work we put into this band worth it.Yours truly, Auburn City
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