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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Get a MySpace layout like this one! Free Layoutsripped out your minds^ defining oneself is such a craziness ^ in the whole sense of sexuality lies a broken hearted that handles things betther now^leaves an unconditional path that brings forth to the new world^oh my! sizzle with hot blood in the eyes of mine smile that captures one's heart but looking in the irony of love whatever it takes, i have my own worldi was so confused now; say if you love shit; then i'll give it all the way to you know what i want; but i dont want to strive laziness captures my mind sometimes behold in the cast of abiding and hardworkingleave my own pain and struck in my own happiness i can do things better now yeah! sudddenly i lie again but awake edges light is coming over..i run^break^thank^hey men^looking forward to understand it^ if not^smart ass hole is breaking up your brain^ shitty funky has started to upload now^ sex lover^break a leg on me^ELAINE oNe Hot BLoodeD Girl. ^ If YOur'Re SinGle, She'LL mAkE yOu sERiouSly ConSIDer MaTRiMOnY; iF yOU'rE mArRiEd, ShE'll MaKe YoU coMMit ADULTERY! bEwAre ELAINE iS hER nAME fROM dOWN sHiTY sOuth.Sick??Worry not! sexier-than-a-syringe Elaine will help you ease your pain Men TeNds To losT SometIMES. aND sOMETiMes , It's Fun. It is fUn WhEn You To AsK a Sultry AnD gORgEoUS gIrL fOR dIRECTIONs. OncE YoU gET To Know Me, You'll WisH You Were lOsT eVERydAy jUst sO i cOulD gUiDe You ArOunD. ThEy Say That.."GORGEOUS!" tHEY sAY wHAT maKes StRanGer MoRe BeAUTiFUL Is THe FacT tHAT yOU'll neVeR sEE hEr AgaiN. cONsIDer This: yOu pAss By a bEuTIfUL wOmaN, It All HapPenS sO qUiCKLY tHAT yOU GlaNcE bAcK AnD yOU wAIt FoR HeR tO tuRn ArOuNd Or At LeaSt, LooK sIdEwAYs So As yOu CaN cAtCh AnOthER gLIMpSe Of HeR fAce. ShE DoESn'T. wHaT dO yOU dO? dO yOU AppRoAch HeR aROUNd? wHat iF ShE WaSN'T rEallY hoT aNd YoUR pErpIPHerAl ViSion WaS nOt As SHaRP aS yOU thOUGHt It Was? YoU'D mOsT pORobAblY mOVe oN aNd lEavE hER in YoUr mEmoRY aS oNE oF thE loVEliEst WomAN yOU'Ve eVER sEEN, rEgARDLeSS oF hoW sHe mAY aCtuaLLY lOOK liKE!i aM a DaVAo bRed,. Can tEaCH SHOW bIT tYRoS a ThinG oR Two About PunCTUaLITY! i Am an OUtgOING pErsOn. I cHILL oUT IN vEnue Compund, Autoshop, Pops, LIquid. EvEn if YoU LeAVE Me AlonE iN a vEnUE, wHEn You Return, I'VE alReady mAde wiTH fRiends With SoMEONE.

My Interests

playing volleyball, basketball, table tennis, watch movies, stroll, raod trips, gimiks, read, study, sex trips (hahah..in my dreams)

I'd like to meet:

rational pipz.identical and critical folks.relate and subside my own thoughts. liberated in some ways.but idealistic in a whole sense.rip with their own mistake.fantasize dreams.hence,crushes down and uphold their destiny. even ruptures their sketpical mind brings what is best for them. and that makes them one of us! a human nature that travels in the reality of life. brings forth.sex addict but controls in the totality of sexuality!yah.. gorgeous lady and hunky men.. i'd like to meet you *lolz.. a big hug for all of you*


rnb, mellow, punk, rock, britney spears, who the hell is she???!


the matrix trilogy, lord of the rings, shes the man, xmen, da vinci code


duh!!... who cares!


i read a lot of books... wanna know! FHM, COSMOPOLITAN, fav part sex trips


who cares.. tehy dont exist! of so, well ill better apply for that! lolz..

My Blog


plzz add me [email protected]
Posted by elaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


well!!! im very happy because i have now joined the my space perhaps all of u guyz here are very friendly
Posted by elaine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST