Music, partying, drinking, Liana K, hangin, chillin, little bit of 'illin (RUN DMC), Liana K, movies, ninja turtles, ed the sock, TRAILER PARK BOYS, Liana K, XBOX, everything the video game generation calls for....did I mention Liana K?
Friends are like Jello, theres always room for more! I got my plate full as is, but i always love to meet new people! Buzz me, phone me, wave me, yell at me, just dont text me, i hate texting haha!Music Video: PRETTY FLY (by The Offspring)
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Jesus, i have to get specific here now too? ok? well....New stuff sux, so I guess im old school now (u know ur gettin old wen) Dr. Dre, Snoop, Eminem, Warrent,....ok this is too specific, i like anything from top 40 to classic rock, does that clear this up? if not, TOO BAD!
Debbie Does Dallas, the joyslut club.....wat do you mean i cant name these off?....FINE! Cheech and Chong, Trailer Park Boys, Mailbus Most Wanted, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and about 5000 others i cant think of right now.
Ok this parts easy, cuz theres nothing but CRAP on tv these days, reality tv sux and so do most sitcoms. Trailer Park Boys, Ed The Sock, Married With Childern, Simpsons, War at home, and Till Death.
books? i dont even read the articles in playboy, why would i read books?
oh boy, too many to name off! Mostly people in radio who have been influences to me. Ill name a couple..Scott Fox, DJ Danny D, Tarzan Dan (TARZAN YELL), Mocha, Sandra Henien, Silks (Silky), and my college teacher Steve Bolton. But above all is HOWARD STERN! My life long dream is to be his sidekick! LOOK OUT ROBIN!