Interests are the little things amuse and become something meaningful and beautiful in my hand. Writing has become my passion, consuming a full of heart. Then it changes and become a photograph an image that holds truth for the viewer, for the photographer. Poetry is always the raw, bare bones of my meaning...I wonder often if there can be change and then i know that change is the growth of the soul. That is what interests me.
There are those of you in this electronic abyss that I would endeavor to reconnect with, there are those of you who I would wish to never hear from again. It is up to you to question which category you believe you belong to. While I maybe grown, changed to a degree I am still of the principle that truth is everything. I do forgive but I cannot comprehend the mindset to forget. Trusts have been broken and there are not fences easily repaired, that is something no one should forget
Mmm. too many by far to list. Shall I simply state that I still listen to the old tracks that moved me but I have made space in my life for new sounds that inspire me. Yes, that will do.
Watching too much television will make your eyes go square, well that what I heard. Based on that and the fact the television has a grand effect on rotting the brain I tend to steer clear. For fear of loosing what little sense I have left.
It would be easy to name those that deserve naming, great figures that are heroes (or should be) to us all. But I will refrain from mundane actions. In truth I have one true hero, they know who they are and they are held in high regard without question. Love does curious things to waek creatures, therefore I must be weak for love moves me to declare myself smitten, engrossed, consumed. Yes you are my hero, you know who you are and my love for you will never faulter.