-x- Little Miss (Something?!) -x- profile picture

-x- Little Miss (Something?!) -x-

You Live, You, Laugh, You Love ....... You Learn... -x-

About Me

Me? What can I tell ya? Well, I'm a fun lovin kind of insane person, totally nutty especially when I've had too many blue smarties!!
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You scored as Angel. Angel: Angels are the guardians of all things, from the smallest ant to the tallest tree. They give inspiration, love, hope, and positive emotion. They live among humans without being seen. They are the good in all things, and if you feel alone, don't fear. They are always watching. Often times they merely stand by, whispering into the ears of those who feel lost. They would love nothing more then to reveal themselves, but in today's society, this would bring havoc and many unneeded questions. Give thanks to all things beautiful, for you are an Angel.












What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
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You Are a Normal Girl
You are 60% Good and 40% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl. Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl? What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!)
You are the color pink. As a beautiful and sweet human, you are everybody's favorite person. Healthy and energetic, you're often seen spreading the happines. As an unusually charming and sweet person, you're always ready to comfort people who are down. You sympathize with everyone, but not always yourself. Aside from that, you are light-hearted and cheery. And you make it your duty to make every cloud have
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Your Kissing Purity Score: 40% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well. Kissing Purity Test
Exotic Dancer Name Is...
Viper Exotic Dancer Name Generator
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You Are Smokin' Hot
You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally. Are You Hot?
You scored as Chains/Handcuffs. Your turn on is handcuffs and chains. You like being cuffed/chained to the bed, or cuffing/chaining your partner down. You love the pure ectasy of being in complete control... or letting someone else have complete control over you. Sex isn't sex without control.









Blind Folds



What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com
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Your Lucky Underwear is Purple
Dreamy and idealistic, you envision great things for your life. Your lucky purple underwear can make those dreams come true!
You're a busy little butterfly. You have the most projects, interests, and friends of anyone you know.
You also have a flair for the dramatic. Sometimes too much drama comes in to your life and brings things to a stop.
If you want to focus more, and flutter less, put on your purple underpants. They'll help you get the important things done. What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?

My Interests

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

I'll do my best not to bore the pants off you but I generally like.. Goin out with my friends.. Love goin to concerts!! next ones in the line up are Muse, Iron Maiden and Thunder YEAH!!.. Music, music and more music..Music Video: FAINT (by Linkin Park)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone

I like dancing, karaokes (can't sing for toffee, but it's all good fun :)), Motorbikes and fast cars.. Abseiling, Rollor-coasters, karate, Little Miss Naughty, tattoos, hair dye, lip gloss.. Goin to the cinema, goin out for lunch, pubs, clubs, candles, ducks, PS2, Chocolate, Anything weird, wonderful, fluffy, sparkly and purple and I have probably missed things out too.. cuz I'm pants.. lol -x-
You Are Animal
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.
You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.
But you sure can beat a good drum.
"Kill! Kill!" The Muppet Personality Test
C lick Here to get this from pYzam.com!
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What kind of fruit are you?
You are the berry of choice. Everyone wants you. But you are not open to everyone. You are a sexy fruit.

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I'd like to meet:

I love meetin new people!! Anyone with a sense of humour and can make me laugh til my sides split are just FAB!! Famous people though? Johnny Depp, Richie Sambora, Dermot O'Leary, Shirly Manson, Neil Morrissy... I have my reasons.. lol


This could take AGES!!I'm prob gonna miss somethings out too so I might have to keep addin when I remember!! I like, in no particular order.... Panic At The Disco, Less Than Jake, Sweet Seduction, Headrush, 100 Reasons, Him, Areosmith, Skid Row, Garbage, Linkin Park, MUSE, Franz Ferdinand, Stereophonics, Nine Black Alps, Bullet For My Valentine, Bon Jovi, Poison, Radiohead, Wildhearts, Sheryl Crow, Lost Prophets, Orson, No Doubt, Cinderella, Rage Against The Machine, Rainbow, Queen, Skunk Anansie, T.Rex, Ocean Colour Scene, The Jam, Fleetwood Mac, The Killers, Headspeed, Cutting Crew, Bad Company, Boston, The Kinks, Good Charlotte, Korn, Papa Roach, Whitesnake, Rattlesnake Remedy, Thin Lizzy, Hole, Lenny Kravitz, GnR, Evanescence, Free, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Hoobastank, Scooter, Space, Fontella Bass, Deee-lite, Dashborad Confessional, Feeder, Fightstar, Pink, Bad Touch, Vixen, Deep Purple, Scorpions, All American Rejects, Nickleback, KISS, Fallout Boy, Bloc Party, Star Sailor, Iron Maiden, System Of A Down,


The Green Mile, Edward Scissorhands, Rocky Horror, Bridget Jones, Never Been Kissed, Saw, 10 Things I Hate About You, All Disney films as I'm a bit of a kid still.. Dirty Dancing, A Nightmare Before Christmas, All the Scream films, What Lies Beneath, Scary Movie, Scary Movie 2 and 3. What Disney Character Are You?(females)
You are Pocahontas! Super-active and independent, you know what you want out of life and how to get it. Keep in mind, however, that things sometimes don't go as planned. Better safe than sorry.
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You are Magenta!
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You are Sally! You are the voice of reason, but it seems nobody listens. You try and save the day but end up getting sav