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Mood-Mirror: About Anita
Hm.. what should I say... I am a web- and graphic-designer with an own little office :-). I have various interests apart from that, to count them all would be too much for here, LOL.. A few of them you find of the left side.. :-)
Sorry, when it takes time to answer.. sometimes I can answer immediately, sometimes I am too busy with my work, it is no bad intention... I try... ;-)
I'm modern in my style but in my heart a very natural person. Hey, I'm really 'normal' I think.. ;-)And I also dont like people who think they are better than others! Remember... everyone is just human...
"Ein guter Schriftsteller oder Maler tut nichts anderes als ein professioneller Klempner. Jeder ist mit dem, was er macht, wertvoll."
Frank Schätzing, Author "Der Schwarm"
"A good author or painter does nothing else than a professional plumber. Everyone ist precious with that, what he does."
Frank Schätzing, popular german author
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