Chambara profile picture


Welcome to the show!

About Me

What should I tell you. I don't know. I'm 39 years old... that's boring ;-)... I just want to meet people from everywhere! Internet is a strange thing. You have to watch out! So I became Chambara. Chambara is a japanese word for japanese action movies. I love japanese things. Not only Sushi or that. The whole thing. We have many japanese people in Düsseldorf. A few years ago I met a couple there. He was a student for Buddhism and she visited Germany. It was an interesting time!

My Interests

Reading, reading and reading!!

I'd like to meet:

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Axel Rudi Pell, W.A.S.P., Kamelot, Megadeth, Rhapsody of Fire, Manowar, Motörhead, in earlier days also KISS and Beethoven


Sci-Fi, Horror, e.g. Aliens, Alien vs. Predator


Crime, Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy


My Blog

Wedding day!!

 Hello my friends, now it's only one week until I will be married!! I'm so upset and busy! Today we had an appointment at the restaurant where we want to held up the party with our families. Ther...
Posted by Chambara on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 02:41:00 PST

Friends List

Hello my friends, I've "sorted out" my friends líst. I had so many "friend" who never gave me comments on my site. I don't worry about them. Sometimes I haven't enough time to make comments or stateme...
Posted by Chambara on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 03:40:00 PST