TankedGirl profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, THAT is strength."
Don't ask.
I'm not that interesting. I love my friends. I hate animal cruelty
the saddest part is I couldn't even put all the banners and images I wanted to on my page because it makes me too sick to look at them even for a second to copy the URL. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I am.
When partying with us... please leave your scrunch socks at home, or we WILL make fun of you ALL day with no remorse.

Myspace Layouts For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
Girly Myspace Comments
+Ok, I give up.
I'm now part of this horrid thing I protested for so long. If you can't beat em, take em over. So.. that's what I'm here to do. Watch your asses... sooo.... DA GO TE! (I'm mostly Apache - Aravapai tribe)+
+I'm far from interesting. What you see is what you get. I'm too fuckin old to change - it's been attempted, and failed.
+I'm constantly laughing. Most likely AT you.
+Or anyone that comes into view.
+I pretty much kick ass, and take names.. ya know "go big, or go home". I get what I want. I have no regrets (that was a lie), never think twice, and always say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
+My hair is NEVER the same color, and always a complete mess. See if I care.
+ FOLLOWING is not in my vocab, and let them eat cake is for sure my attitude. The less perfect I am, the better. I'm like - so real, and yep - kind of a big deal. I love my past. I love my present. I'm not ashamed of what I've had, and I'm not sad because I have it no longer, everything happened for a reason, and right about now - everything is just as it should be.
+MY way+
+ I have a thing for pirates - kinda wish I was one, oh and nautical stars (have em tattoo's on both wrists). I have an unhealthy addiction to Michael Alig.+
+I'm adding this to my page - it was written by a friend I used to have...
Your flight was delayed not only by terrorists but by your own pussification.
Maybe if we wern't such PC pussies we could put the kaybash on all this terrorist crap.
Maybe if we wern't so damn busy prosecuting American soldiers for doing the few things that scare these bastards (the photos with the dogs and naked gay pyramids) we'd be able to tone this shit down.
Maybe if we'd let our boys do what they do best (blow shit up) instead of hand out candy and hang out like sitting ducks we'd scare a few of these assholes into not making bombs in their bathtubs
Maybe if you'd pull your thumb out of your ass and realize that we as a global society are being inconvenienced by one group of bad apples, and realize that our principals mean shit to them we could go on with daily life.
Maybe if you'd realize threats of imprisonment and death mean jack shit to someone who is more afraid of being sodomized than killed. Who is more afraid of dogs than prison. Maybe then we might make a dent in this crap and be able to bring eye drops on a plane.
So just remember when you bitch about your flight being 5 hours late. They are winning because you're a pussy.+
So me - Leo all the way..
AUGUST ATTITUDE outgoing personality. takes risks. feeds on attention. no self control. kind hearted. self confident. loud and boisterous. VERY revengeful. easy to get along with and talk to. has an "every thing's peachy" attitude. likes talking and singing. loves music. daydreamer. easily distracted. Hates not being trusted. BIG imagination. loves to be loved. hates studying. in need of "that someone". longs for freedom. rebellious when withheld or restricted. lives by "no pain no gain" caring. always a suspect. playful. mysterious. "charming" or "beautiful" to everyone. stubborn. curious. independent. strong willed. a fighter. +

My Interests

You were loved by all of us, you were a dear friend, my big brother, and a truely great person. I will love you forever Aldo.

I ♥ you Rizz xo
Dark Art and photography. I love that you can find beauty in the simple things everyday, but to find it in the darker parts of our lives is truely gorgeous.

I love this girl more than life itself. ♥

I'd like to meet:

People that are smart, so not many. Anyone that thinks Pirates are the shit, are talented in anyway.. love life, and can find the positive even when the negative seems undeniable. People that don't lie and hurt others cause they're too fucked up to be honest. Go to a shrink and stop fucking everyone else up in your path. Stop complaining and live life.. it's going to be over soon and you will have missed the better parts of it. BTW - I'm not here to hook up. Never have, never will.. so save your bullshit line for someone else. And if I'm promoting a night where I'll be working it's for my friends.. if you're a creep and show up you will be removed. a lot.

♥ Bettie Page

My main man, he's hot - desn't give me shit - and I effen love him - Jackson

I'm not here to "meet" anyone I don't already know. I have more than enough friends and douche bag wanna be friends that I know what to do with - and currently I'm pretending to be bitter and jaded. However if you have "emo" hair - you're IN. wait.

oh and..


My Friends are faster, stronger, BETTER.
I have 2230 friends.




My Favorite Jew



This is JOEY G!


I <3 Rizzio

Kyla my Poop Talk Partner

Robert aka car ramrod


Zack Jagerface

Dino G







Polish TILF

Bennifer aka sneaky sneaky!


One eye'd vodka partner

Natalie aka The Moustache



SatOn Barbie


Diesel aka Beaker

Sir Randy Candy



Kitty in the City



Good Time Annette




View All of My Friends




♥ anything 8o's
♥ aFi
♥ all AmeriCan rejects
♥ as I lay dying
♥ bad reliGion
♥ bEastie boys
♥ Black Sabbath
♥ bloc partY
♥ bls
♥BluE oCtobEr
♥ brand new
♥ breaking Benjamin
♥ the cure
♥ the diStillers
♥ The dReamIng
♥ dropkick murphys
♥ faLl out boy
♥ FiOna aPple
♥ the faint
♥ Guns n Roses
♥ hot water music
♥ jaNis JopLin
♥ jiMmy HendriX
♥ johnNy CasH
♥ jouRney
♥ k’s cHoice
♥ kill HaNnah
♥ korn
♥ MM
♥ ministry
♥ my cheMical romance
♥ No use for a name
♥ nofx
♥ nin
♥ NirVana
♥ orgy
♥ panic! at the Disco
♥ pearl jam
♥plAin wHitE t'S
♥ portisHead
♥ prodiGy
♥ reo
♥ rise agaiNst
♥ senSes fail
♥ she wants reVenge
♥ silverstein
♥ staBbing westward
♥ thrice
♥ thursday
♥ tOOl
♥ the useD

I am the needle in your vein
and I control you
I am the high you can't sustain
and I control you
I am the pusher I'm a whore
and I control you
I am the need you have for more
and I control you
I am the bullet in the gun
and I control you
I am the truth from which you run
and I control you
I am the silencing machine
and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams
and I control you
I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. Self-destruct



Anything with sex, drugs, and blood. Donnie darko
The dark crystal
True romance
Campfire tales
Dawn of the dead
28 days/weeks later
Halloween old and new
Dead alive
Rocky horror
Natural born killers
Breakfast club
16 candles
Butterfly effect
Back to the future
The cell
Dazed and confused
Edward scissorhands
Fight club
Wedding crashers
The iceman interviews
House of 1000 copses
Full metal jacket
From hell
Pans labrynth
The orphanedge
Sin city
If you don't like Donnie Darko, don't even think about being my friend..

You are a fucking ugly bitch and I want to stab you to death and play with your blood.




I read. A lot. Used to be a big Stephen King fan, kind of over that.. reading more non fic lately and loving it.


Anyone with talent or passion to make something better of themselves.and my little sister.. Love you Jenna.. oooooook, and David LeChapelle

and one more thing - I fucking HATE animal abuse.

My Blog

.- ode to Jun-.

declaration that Jun is the coolest person. rocks my red and black socks. har har har. oh... and this is what happens when u dont sign off your myspace... especially in a different country!!! SUCKA!!!...
Posted by TankedGirl on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 11:26:00 PST

Moved by lyrics

Going to start posting some of my favorite lyrics from songs. Why? Mostly cause I'm bored but also cause it looks cool. beh. Numb LyricsArtist: Portishead I'm ever so lost, I can't find my way, Been s...
Posted by TankedGirl on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 05:45:00 PST

Dog Lovers.. I need ur Signature.

  Originally From:Maria DainesDear all, just received this and you bet I'll be signing the petition -From Vesna Jones -Dear friends, this is very cruel and sad. An "artist" from Costa Rica, named...
Posted by TankedGirl on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST

Faces of CRUELTY

veganTHISDate: 15 Aug 2007, 06:59UC Berkeley engaging in cruel and useless experiments.Shameless experiments conducted by: Yang Dan, Jack Gallant, Ralph Freeman, Frederic Theunissen, Jeffery Winer, Jo...
Posted by TankedGirl on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 03:15:00 PST

More assholes that need to be taken out...

SHUT THIS ANIMAL MURDERER DOWN!!!!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXggL198hCw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXggL198hCw Flag his video and write to you tube like i did. ...
Posted by TankedGirl on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 05:55:00 PST

It'll only take a minute to make a life better...

Look people, it doesn't get any simpler than this. Go to the site below and on the left you will see a PREMADE letter on the abuse/neglect of thousands of animals that is going on around the world. My...
Posted by TankedGirl on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 11:08:00 PST

My Blog for the weak. er.. week.

What are you supposed to say in these things?  Do you people actually read the ramblings of someone you don't or barely know and say to yourselves - hey so n so is in a "bouncy" mood, I'm soooo g...
Posted by TankedGirl on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 06:10:00 PST

First blog, to be the worst yet.

Who actually fills this shit out?   You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?The creator of Wendys fast food.  Hes an evil evil man.2. You can fli...
Posted by TankedGirl on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 09:23:00 PST