Current drummer for the band "Poptart Monkeys". I am in the process of putting a new project together called "Rise Phoenix Rise" that I will be playing full time with by March.
Check Us Out!"Poptart Monkeys" will go on to do great things, I'm sure. I just needed to go in a different direction and explore other things. I wish them well.
I have a beautiful daughter Hannah, who just turned 4. She is the love of my life and takes up alot of my time when I'm not on the road.
There are alot of great people that are part of this myspace community but there are also alot of sad souls as well. If I had a dollar for every fake picture, I'd be as rich as Tom. So far I've met alot of great people on here but have had my share of the crazies. LOL. It's all good.I've put my top friends back up, please don't email me and ask me why you're not there. Maybe you made me mad, maybe you haven't been so nice, maybe you should have sent me a Christmas Card, JK. Trust me, it doesn't mean I don't like you and you may be there soon enough. I will spread the love, I promise.If you want to know anything else, just shoot me a message. I'm a pretty normal dude. Meet me, maybe you'll enjoy.
Our Video for "Valerie"
The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor
Purchase Poptart Monkeys Ringtones Here!