gabba-hey! profile picture



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fun, unique individuals, with something interesting to say. Preferably like-minded folks who can keep my attention for more than a few minutes at a time. Short Attention Span Theater, anyone?


Trip-hop, haus, trance, techno/industrial, EBM, yet stuck in the 80's from time to time... I also dig the likes of: Interpol, Morcheeba, Tool, RATM, nin, Elvis Costello, Steely Dan, The Dining Rooms, The Blue Hawaiians, A Perfect Circle, The Crystal Method, Spylab, Portishead, etc,...Currently digging on my new Sirius unit...Fuck Dallas radio....


Some old favs: Gladiator, The Hunt for Red October, Cremaster (I-V), Reservoir Dogs, Snatch, Lock,Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, HEAT, Sniper, Over The Edge, Blackhawk Down, Office Space, Sin City, The Stunt Man, Southern Comfort...


is it hockey season yet?


"One Bullet Away" by Nathaniel Fick


my mom

My Blog

long time no update

Long time no update... I don't really come here much anymore. Cliff Notes: Got a new job, bought a house, bought another bass, have new litter of kittens (juvenile delinquints). Looking for some folks...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 08:27:00 PST

More Non-Sequiturs

Of all the stupid shit to happen in the "off season", which wasn't really an off season, I strained one of my hip flexor muscles while getting a skate in at the lake. Consequently, I ended up missing ...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

Perpetual Non-Sequiturs

Putting things together over time, pondering the events of this YTD, it's a bit difficult to establish a feel for where the path is headed. Some times you have to take a look back prior to moving forw...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:25:00 PST

1st game back...

we lost our first game as a team, but dammit, we looked good. i'm taking it for what it was, a new team, with many skaters who have not played together before. i'm skating D for now, and for some reas...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 08:43:00 PST

a new beginning

so I find myself getting back into form, after a long time away from the lifted skirt and perfumed inner thigh of stick and puck.... i got picked up by a new team for the fall 05 season. woohoo!!! ...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 09:24:00 PST

spring of my discontent

the month of May was indeed bizarre. went to say goodbye to my uncle in Louisiana, then two days later had to board a flight to Chicago. that week was nice, in-so-far as being able to meet relatives t...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the wretched....

Hmm, my first blog post. Seems that this is going to be a stream of consciousness type of thing, I guess. As you can see, my mood is "irritated". Let me share with you, the source of my misery. I work...
Posted by gabba-hey! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST