I'd like to meet:
Fun, unique individuals, with something interesting to say. Preferably like-minded folks who can keep my attention for more than a few minutes at a time. Short Attention Span Theater, anyone?
Trip-hop, haus, trance, techno/industrial, EBM, yet stuck in the 80's from time to time... I also dig the likes of: Interpol, Morcheeba, Tool, RATM, nin, Elvis Costello, Steely Dan, The Dining Rooms, The Blue Hawaiians, A Perfect Circle, The Crystal Method, Spylab, Portishead, etc,...Currently digging on my new Sirius unit...Fuck Dallas radio....
Some old favs: Gladiator, The Hunt for Red October, Cremaster (I-V), Reservoir Dogs, Snatch, Lock,Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, HEAT, Sniper, Over The Edge, Blackhawk Down, Office Space, Sin City, The Stunt Man, Southern Comfort...
is it hockey season yet?
"One Bullet Away" by Nathaniel Fick
my mom