The Real Jenn Sterger profile picture

The Real Jenn Sterger

Just a small town girl... livin in a lonely world.

About Me

Originally from Miami.. settled in Lutz, FL. And while Tally has a great night life, I miss the water, the sun, the sea breeze, my family, and my friends. I'm addicted to quoting movies, making people laugh, and well.. just plain "living." I spend entirely too much time on the internet, especially hanging with my friends on What's up Lockeroom?? They are the guys (well, with Brent Musberger and crew) that set me on this crazy adventure. If I am not in Tally, you can usually catch me at a sportsbar with friends... rootin' for my boys!!! If there is a girl at the end of the bar, screamin' her head off about that lousy call... Yeah, that's PROBABLY me.
For those girls that tell you they are bringin the sexy back to College Sports, you tell them.. It never left!
I'm a senior at Florida State.. and do my school proud at it's home football games!! :)My friends Allison and CJ hold it down when I am on the road traveling with the SWEEET gig I have with I'm a brutally honest chick. I say what's on my mind: No B.S. No Drama. I hate girls who hate on other girls, especially people they don't even know. I don't play the he-said, she said game. Never mess with the cowgirls.. we are a force to be reckoned with... and will kick you in the mouth. (Just Kidding!!! :)
I like to be the girl of mystery... the one everyone thinks they know, but they really have NO idea. I sometimes tend to put up walls to protect myself from getting hurt but sometimes you just gotta say.. "What the f@#$???.." No one got anywhere without taking risks.. on opportunities.. on people.. on life.
I've learned to be happy, you can only rely on yourself. If you wait for others to make you happy, you'll only be disappointed.
Remember in friendships, love, and life, that first impressions aren't always what they seem.. and by judging too quickly.. you may lose out on something that could've been special.
I've learned to dance like no ones watching...I've learned to live like tomorrow was the last day.. and to love like I have never been hurt.
God brings certain people into your life for a reason, to help you with the things he sees fit... maybe that's how you know me...
Once a perfectionist (and still a closet one at that), the past few months have taught me you can't always plan what life is going to throw at you, sometimes you just have to go long for the ride, and fly by the seat of your pants, or chaps, if you like??..
In the end.. Life is like a bus... only you can decide who will ride your bus. Some people may only go a block and others may stick around for the ride. But the ones that piss you off, let them know their pass to ride your bus has expired.
And when all else fails.. dare to take a chance.. you may surprise yourself.
I'm an individual. I'm real. But most of all, I'm myself.. You've never met a girl like me before and you probably never will.
And if they ask where you went.. Tell them you went to see about a girl...
"I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you that you love, well, that's just fabulous." --Carrie Bradshaw.
Until then, I am just.. Livin'. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

One of the biggest sports fans you will ever meet. :)

I'd like to meet:

The cowgirls were featured in march 2006 maxim, on maximonline, and managed to crack the HOT 100 list. Sometimes we pop in to NYC to hang with our guys Rich, El Covino, and Sami J at Maxim radio!!.. (F, Marry, Kill.. Right boys???) I was also in May 2006 Playboy Top Ten Party School's Edition. The Cowgirls have also been featured on the cover of Lindy's magazine,, and tons more print!!.. Check out weekly articles on Scorecard and SIOnCampus. I'll be coming to a campus near you soon, so check back often for updates!!..
Also, is now letting me take roadtrips and gather video footage from some of the biggest events in college sports.. so go ahead and check out all the videos on!!!!!... (Under Featured Videos: STERGER)

Hate us.. or love us.. we are the cowgirls of Florida State!! We love football season.. We love our noles.. but most of all we just love the game.

We ride together.. we die together.. Cowgirls for life.
And.. yes.. I've got jokes.

Thanks for visiting my page.. I've had some problems with some haters and duplicators.. so let me know if u see any of these imposters lurking around, pretending to be me. We know how to deal with their kind.

HERE ARE THE LATEST: file&friendid=47956387 file&friendid=42363072&MyToken=e3f651fe-3611-4727-bd 8a-e5fdd72f5cd9 file&friendid=77537225 file&friendID=64225846 file&friendID=51415568 file&friendID=56293878

DO YOUR WORST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm the original FSU cowgirl..Often imitated, Never Duplicated... For all those that have my back.. THANKS GUYS!!



Anything that will make me laugh.. :) Or is fun to quote.


Totally against reality t.v. dating shows!!!! ESPN game day is AWESOME.. and rules my Saturdays. I watch sportscenter at least 5 times a day.


One fish Two fish.. by Dr. Suess.. NO.. I am completely kidding you. GREEN EGGS AND HAM.. ;)Anything that isn't required for a class


My parents.. my grandparents.. and my best friend Sara (who saves my ass on regular occasions).
And.. Drew "MadCow" Hankin.. for the Masterpiece he has created on this Myspace!!! Drew, Roger, Shane, and Shannon.. you are my other family!!.. And I luv ya!!!
CJ: As a wise girl once told me, "You're good.. no.. You might be the best!!" Don't let anyone tell you different.
Aly-Bo: Thanks for the couch, for kicking people in the mouth, and for the late night meetings in the treehouse.
I love you girls!!! Thanks for making me proud!!