Snowboarding, working out, driving my car way too fast, partying (with my Red Bull), Shao Lin Kung Fu, and living the dream.Take the quiz:
What Style of Car are You?
You are sleek, unique, and are something that appeals only to the most discerning taste. Your quality is unmatched, but anyone that interacts with you already knows that. You are borderline unattainable. For someone to truly possess you, they would have to work very hard for a long time.
Your Power Level is: 98%
You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally.
You'll accomplish more than most people could ever even dream of.
You'll change the world (at least a little).
When the right woman gets you to settle down, she will receive something that all women will envy, the best of all worlds.
How Powerful Are You?..
You, maybe.
Your Location Has Been Tracked On My Map!
I'm into all different types of music, it just depends on my surroundings. All kinds of dance (trance, house) but mostly mainstream with vocals, hip-hop and rap (But not the dirty south crap and gangsta rap, true hip-hop and lyrisicm).
FOX NEWS, Family Guy, Smallville, Simpsons, MTV, Sopranos, Entourage, anything entertaining.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, The 8th Habit, What Color Is Your Parachute?, How to Make Friends and Influence People.
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