Bryan Swartz® Official Myspace Page profile picture

Bryan Swartz® Official Myspace Page

When Life Knocks You Down You Have Two Choices- Stay Down or Get Up. For Me, Staying Down Isn't An O

About Me

Click Here To Find Out Where Everyone Party's In Tally
43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43My name is Bryan Swartz, and I own the biggest nightclub promotions company in Tallahassee/ North Florida. NO I'M NOT 43 YEARS OLD, BUT 43 IS MY COMPANY NAME & MY LUCKY NUMBER!!! We throw partys that students from FSU and TCC all want to be at. WE ARE NOT ONE OF THE PEOPLE THROWING THESE WEEKLY PARTIES, THESE ARE OUR PARTIES EXCLUSIVELY. If you live in Tallahassee, and want to go to all the hottest nightclub partys as a VIP, you need to add me as your friend. Along with putting together and throwing these 6 parties every week, I'm also a host and on-stage on-air personality. Our nightclub parties set the standard and are undoubtedly the biggest in Tallahassee ( and are at the hottest clubs in town. Monday- Tantra (New Night)
Tuesday- Potbellys & The Painted Lady
Wednesday- Cafe Cabernet Supper Club Thursday- 10-12/ The Irish Pub Power Hour, and from 12-2/ 18+ Floyds I Broadcast this party Live on HOT 1049
Friday- Happy Hour at Potbelly's & The Painted Lady from 4-8pm, then Baja's Beach Club Saturday- Chubby's
We also work very closely to the hottest radio station in town,
. In fact, I host the Free For All Monday- Thursday at 10pm and The Friday Night Bounce at 10pm LIVE on the Air.
Personally, I was the exclusive event coordinator for Kendra Todd, Donald Trump's first female Apprentice, and I throw celebrity parties all over the US.

This year as always, I'll be throwing the party at Rick's in Key West, FL for Spring Break 2007. Another thing that I'm involved with is assisting a couple of friends of mine in LA, NY, and MIA who are casting producers for MTV shows (Spring Break, NEXT, etc..) Maxim Magazine, and for Playboy Magazine. If you feel you have what it takes to be on MTV or in Playboy or Maxim, let me know, and I will forward your info to them. Also, when we schedule a casting tour through Tallahassee, I will let you know about it first. Anyways, feel free to drop me a line, and if I have a spot on my guest list, who knows, you might get hooked up tonight.

My Interests

Snowboarding, working out, driving my car way too fast, partying (with my Red Bull), Shao Lin Kung Fu, and living the dream.Take the quiz:
What Style of Car are You?

You are sleek, unique, and are something that appeals only to the most discerning taste. Your quality is unmatched, but anyone that interacts with you already knows that. You are borderline unattainable. For someone to truly possess you, they would have to work very hard for a long time.

Your Power Level is: 98%
You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally.
You'll accomplish more than most people could ever even dream of.
You'll change the world (at least a little).
When the right woman gets you to settle down, she will receive something that all women will envy, the best of all worlds. How Powerful Are You?..

I'd like to meet:

You, maybe.

Your Location Has Been Tracked On My Map!


I'm into all different types of music, it just depends on my surroundings. All kinds of dance (trance, house) but mostly mainstream with vocals, hip-hop and rap (But not the dirty south crap and gangsta rap, true hip-hop and lyrisicm).


FOX NEWS, Family Guy, Smallville, Simpsons, MTV, Sopranos, Entourage, anything entertaining.


Rich Dad, Poor Dad, 7 Habits Of Highly Successful People, The 8th Habit, What Color Is Your Parachute?, How to Make Friends and Influence People.


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