Kris, Luther, Slick, trees, birds, the sky, visiting beaches whenever i can. worrying. can you get me some worry beads?
nice people good people marching bands
anything my husband mixes or plays, anything Hungry March Band plays --- world brass music --- early New York punk, always Nick Cave (sigh). i hate this question. i have a HUGE music complex. --- anything LIVE as opposed to recorded. favorite thing i heard in recent past: Townes Van Zandt's "Poncho & Lefty" give me some CD's, please. my most favorite tracks of a late are "Bold Soul Sister" by Tina Turner and "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" by The Ramones.
The Discrete Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Bride Wore Black, West Side Story, The Music Man, Sisters (The Meaning of Happiness), Matrix, any Kusterica, Last Tango In Paris, Streetcar Named Desire, Bandit Queen, Casablanca, any Bunuel, Lynch; it's been a slow year for me w/ movies.
I watch way too much Sopranos and 24 and not enough South Park and Family Guy. Love NY1.
any work of magic realism, anything by Tom Robbins, anything on bathroom design/rebuilding; Vonnegut, Joan Didion, Tolkien, Garcia Marquez,Kundera, Margaret Atwood, V.S. Naipaul, Luce Irigaray, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Jeffrey Eugenides, Jonathan Ames, Angry Women, Harry Potter (shh....) Currently reading the Da Vinci Code, but I really don't read enough anymore. Give me some books.
I don't believe in heroes but if I did all my heroes would be the people I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with in NYC since 1992 when i started curating shows -(first ever was at cb's gallery). Oh, and Xena. (HA! just kidding.) And my horse, Happy (R.I.P.). And Luther, my dog. And Pat Oleszko, an amazing artist I happen to know. oh hell, and my fresh fist, David Leslie, The Impact Addict.