♥April profile picture


Also made this one myself!

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace LayoutsWell, lets see....I'm April..... some call me Apey, Apeyhead, Apeypookins,and my son calls me Mommy. I'm very busy lately. I am a full-time wife, Mom, and student. I also work full time at a job that I enjoy. I work with the developmentally disabled population. The people I care for give me a-lot of satisfaction and joy. It's not always peaches and cream, but I really do like it.
You Are a Natural Beauty!
You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about...
One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup
That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though
You have style, but for you, style is effortless What Type of Beauty Are You?

My Interests

My interests vary from month to month. I am usually up for anything fun and exciting!

I'd like to meet:

Too many to list.....
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5'0
Weight:: too much
Right or left-handed:: right
Heritage:: too many to count
Are you in love?:: yes
How do you alleviate stress?:: I work harder
Do you swear?:: yes
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: Doctor
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: Nascar and Football
What was your first car?:: Pontiac 6000
What kind of car do you have now?:: cavalier
Were you popular in high school?:: semi
Do you like thunderstorms?:: yes
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: half empty
Best places you have ever been?:: New York in the Fall
Favorite food?:: Pizza
Least favorite food?:: Fish
What type of music do you dislike most?:: Opera
Do you take illegal drugs?:: no
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: yes
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: I am now
Are you a risk taker?:: yes
What do you think about most?:: life in general
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: no
Have you ever been to jail?:: yes
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: glasses at night
Hugs or kisses?:: hugs
Living arrangements?:: live with my husband and son
What is your bedtime?:: don't have a set time
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: boxers
Piercings/tattoos?:: 8/1
Biggest pet peeve?:: Clean up after yourself
I have low tolerance for people who:: are stupid
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: no
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: no
Can you handle the truth?:: yes
Hair color?:: red
What are you afraid of?:: a-lot of things
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: actually mean something
Friend you've had the longest?:: Jenn
Early bird or night owl?:: insomniac
Best advice you've ever received?:: Never wash white pants with red undies
Favorite quote?:: Party Naked and Throw Potato Salad
Favorite type of music?:: Rock
Biggest weakness?:: Friends
Biggest fear?:: losing someone I love
Are you close to your parents?:: yes
Any brothers or sisters?:: 2
Have a religion?:: nope
Views on politics?:: liberal
Worst habits?:: smoking and over eating
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: Vacation to Venice
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: in a steady job
Are you laid back or high strung?:: high strung
Do you like to try new things?:: no
Is family important to you?:: yes
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: pessimistic
Have you ever been engaged?:: yes
Favorite places you've been?:: Boston and Clearwater
Are you a procrastinator?:: yes
Fly or drive?:: fly
Favorite pasttime?:: sleep
Longest relationship?:: 4 years
Biggest mistake?:: not puttin here
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: dunno
Like to party?:: every now and again
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: no
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: own path
Like kids?:: yes
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: doesn't matter
Body type?:: tall
Personality?:: humorous
Style of clothing?:: any
Do they have to be popular?:: no
Turn-on?:: Big eyes
Long hair or short?:: short
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I have a very ecclectic taste in music. I listen to anything from Garth to Tool. Some of my favorites include The Eagles, Def Lepard, Pink Floyd, The Cure, The Beastie Boys, and Hinder.


I am easy to please on this one....just scare the pants off me and then make me laugh, and any MONTY PYTHON!


Love it all.....The best medicine for a good Brainwashing.


Anything that could possibly happen entices me. I enjoy a good True Crime book, or a horror novel. Brain teasers are good too!


My parents, and all of us who have been blessed with children and still have all of our hair!

My Blog

My Friends~ You are simply AMAZING!!!!

Once again my friends, you have proven to be more than I sometimes deserve!  I love you all, and wanted to send out a HUGE....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!As many of you know my son Hunter has been ve...
Posted by April on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 04:00:00 PST

Misty's questionnaire

Questionnaire....... 1. Who are you?2. Are we friends?3. When and how did we meet?4. How have I affected you?5. What do you think of me?6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?7. How long do you...
Posted by April on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:03:00 PST

Compliments all around

    I recieved a compliment last night from a very good friend of mine.  I hope she doesn't mind me putting a bit of it into this blog.  There are two reasons that I want to w...
Posted by April on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 09:06:00 PST