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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Check out the videos of the game I'm working on.

My Interests

Surfing, rock climbing, skate boarding, snow boarding, music, computers, video games, people, beer tasting and some shimmy'ing/dancing, otherwise known as a full body hemorrhage on the dance floor, can you deal with that *karate chop* :)

I'd like to meet:

David Bowie, Adam Sandler, Christopher Walken, and Bob Barker.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


The list: Interpol, the Faint, the Rapture, the Stokes, Radiohead, all, Modest Mouse, the Stills, Army of me, The Police, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, at the drive in, Sparta, Mars Volta, Jaw Breaker, Michael Jackson, Postal Service, Murder City Devils, Broken Social Scene, Film School, Her Space Holidy, Pink Mountaintops, Clap Your Hands Say YEAH, Franz Ferdinand, The National, Elefant, Pretty Girls Make Graves, T-REX and more i cant think of.


Seriously this would be impossible...but lets DO IT DO IT: As good as it gets, Goonies, Batman Begins, Sandler anything, Starwars (I know im cool, but are you cool too??), Sunshine on a Spotless Mind, Boonedock Saints, The Matador, Donnie Darko, HEAT (Pacino and Dinero, are you fucking kidding me), Blow, Conan the (both of them), Anything Wes Anderson, Fight Club, Zombie movies are scary to me, I will watch them, but you will have to fight me to do so...and we are keeping the lights ON. You could get me to watch anything with gunfire, explosions, and blood in it. Even if the story sucks, I find those things entertaining. Anyway ill have to get back to this list.


Family Guy, Sealab 2021, Harvy Birdman Attorney at law, Aqua teen hunger force, Daily show, chapelle's show, Curb your enthusiasim, seinfeld, Adult swim, kids in the hall.


Yea books...I see those at the movies;)


Capt Murphy, Spider Man, Mario, and my Mom and Dad;)

My Blog

Wow totally blown away.

I think I had the nicest thing ever said about me ever. Thanks Catie for totally blowing me away.Josiefour20: i always looked up to you in a wayJosiefour20: still doJosiefour20: i have no idea why.. ...
Posted by Troy on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:55:00 PST

The San Diego house

I have been saying I would post some pictures of the house I'm renting in San Diego.  Hopefully I'll find a job soon and be staying. So this place is pretty old, no AC unit, no dishwasher, no wa...
Posted by Troy on Thu, 11 May 2006 06:58:00 PST