About Me
I was the girl in school that was always on the move... and rarely said anything. You probably didn’t notice me. I was the one in the light-booth, the one writing in the courtyard near the fountain, the one in the computer lab, the one sneaking around with a camera, the one in the poetry readings, the one noone said anything to. I’m quiet unless I need to be loud.
I chase experience. I joined the army for the experience. It was fun. It got old quick. They hated the artist in me - didn’t understand it, really. I can’t blame them, the military is no place for an artist. I leave town when I get the chance. But I always end up back in Jacksonville. I was an accountant in Dallas for a while. I was great at it, but I hated it. I kept questioning the departments lack of organization and inefficient processes and programs, and ended up with way too many personal projects. Then everyone hated me because I was good at it. Shoulda kept my mouth shut. It wasn’t too long before I was headed back home. One of these days I will remove the elastic effect of that one - just haven’t figured it out yet.
I have a photography business. It’s small, and most of my work will never be seen in a public venue since I have primarily been shooting family portraits, but I am starting to branch out into more public works. I am in the middle of updating my portfolio and redesigning my website, stuck in the flash code (why don’t they let you see that stuff) for mouseover buttons.
I bartend for extra cash. Well to pay my car note and gas, really. I try to put most of my photography earnings back into the business. It hurts sometimes, but all this equipment stacking up will pay off someday!
I am chased by the creativity bug on many levels and while I tend to get a great start on most projects, I am easily distracted by the next great idea. I am driven; I have a lot of start energy. If I have very little distractions or road bumps I can finish a project on a few days. If I can’t see its end in a few days, it probably won’t get done. I have unfinished paintings, drawings, and poetry cluttering my home. I even have a book that has a great beginning to a great story that will probably never be told. I have photos that will probably never be processed (though this has been aided greatly by the invention of the digital camera!)
I love to cook exotic and creative dishes, but I hate to make a mess of the kitchen - mostly because I hate to clean... my OCD tendencies take over and I end up with an old toothbrush and the orange oil picking the gunk out of all the nooks and crannies until I collapse of exhaustion.
I am great with computers on many levels; I still remember Word Perfect on windows 3.1. (But what’s the point?) I’m excellent at Photoshop, capture one, express digital and other photo software. I remember most of the basic html, and am learning flash and dreamweaver (apparently golive isn’t good enough!)
I’m still with my highschool sweetheart, and through all the ups and downs, we still have a fantastic relationship. He is my safe haven; we are each other’s rock. We have a little boy who is sweet and too intelligent for his age. But I guess that’s our fault! For his 3rd birthday I scrapped together a few parts and build him a Linux box with a special operating system for kids. He puts together puzzles with pictures by famous artists, and paints and stamps on his ‘paint’ program...it’s really cute, and it keeps him off my computers!!
I will do anything for the sake of art. I believe in anyone who is chasing their dreams, and honor those who have ‘made it’. I don’t think I will ever ‘make it’; I will never be satisfied. There will always be something else around the corner that I need to strive for. To all artists out there: KEEP DOING YOUR ART! Life without art makes artists into zombies; mere shells of the creative, happy people we were.
Peace, Love and Blessings to all who grace me, my site, all those I love, and all artists everywhere!