margaret profile picture


i dont add myspace friend collectors

About Me

background image: joe strummer 1984 © Me

My Interests

astronomy, ancient american archaeology, anatomy books, reference books, comical books, outsider art, sargassumfish, pelicans, baby alligators, oil painting, photographing you, getting in the van and driving off, the fringes, twisted turns of phrases, the perfect noise, the decisive moment, maps, thunderstorms, hands, light, dark, preserving the past, duchamp, wound care, floridiana, horse feathers, old mechanical things, early miami history, economics, flapdoodles, playing the same song 33 times in a row, smashing the AMA monopoly without instituting a socialized monopoly in its place, a bunch more crapola you are even less interested in.

I'd like to meet:


June Carter and Hank Williams


My friends.