Mich Baby Bang Bang! profile picture

Mich Baby Bang Bang!

stalk me! text MICH ON to 2366

About Me

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

DEATH BY TAMPON's FIRST SINGLE IS NOW ON THE NU 107 PLAYLIST!Vote for Kinder Pop!text NUVOTE KINDERPOP to 29107!DO EEEEEEETTT!!xxx pedicab at my 25th birthday party ..

My Interests

fashion, music, art, japan, london, the face, another magazine, i-D, nylon, vivienne westwood, marc le bihan, belgian designers, comme des garcons, boys, gigs, dj-ing, my hot bandmates, my store, alcohol, cigarettes, love, lust and everything in between.


bikini kill, bratmobile, elliott smith, death by tampon, francis mantis, pedicab, le tigre, sleater-kinney, yeahyeahyeahs, death cab for cutie, be your own pet, the rapture, ciudad, mates of state, club 8, belle and sebastian, huh!, the subways, bloc party, the rapture, the cure, the hives, black wire, the rakes, neil's children, kaito, twisted charm, jon spencer blues explosion, the cribs, monsterbot, special needs, the rotters, the motel beds, babes in toyland, L7, larrikin love, boys of brazil, ladytron, the young knives, chicks on speed, klaxons, the go gos, x ray spex ..


trainspotting, valley girl, chungking express, pieces of april, lost in translation, wicker park, run lola run, reality bites (so sue me, its a classic!), eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, me, you and everyone we know, the royal tenenbaums, lolita, the virgin suicides, ang pagdadalaga ni maximo oliveros, almost famous, 2046, hotel, closer, marie antoinette


my so called life, that 70s show, project runway, nip tuck


i wish i actually had time to read.


kathleen hanna corin tucker kathi wilcox
Hey, you're Bikini Kill Kathleen HannaEveryone love you...except Courtney Love. You are
unafraid of attacking stereotypes and as cheesy
as it sounds...you just want to rock. But you
want to tell the world what's wrong with it

Which Kathleen Hanna Are You?
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