Music, Movies, JBH, Reading, Cooking, Photography, Computorz, My Bike, Military History/History, Science, Pomade, Linux, Video Juegos, LA Galaxy, Comedy, Comic Books, Hausens family stories, Shaking newborn babys, General Geekdom.
Hot babes who can shred tasty licks Nate Alexander style.
99.9% of the time, I prefer the brilliant but pompous over the uneducated but humble. You have to be smart to win my affection, not nice.
rationalists, d.js, stay at home dads, germans.
Melvin Herdliska.
Anything better than the crap you listen to.
Die Hard and The Big Blue, anything else is for failures.
Do you remember a time when chocolate chip cookies came fresh from the oven? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Do you remember when women couldn't vote and certain folk weren't allowed on golf courses? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
"Swords Will Fucking Slice A Baby In Half: A Story Of Redemption" by Trip Fisk.